Activity Provider of this plan
Karuizawa/Saku/Komoro popular plans
※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.
Included in price | |
Not included in price |
Payment methods |
Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act | Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act |
Reservation cancellation fee generation date | Cancellation fee will be charged from 10 days before the event date. |
About cancellation | お客様のご都合でキャンセルされる場合、 (遅刻、人数減少、日程変更等、連絡なし等も含む) 以下のキャンセル料を申し受けますのでご了承ください。 10日~4日前:30% 3日~2日前:50% 前日:70% 当日/無断キャンセル:100% |
About event termination | 本ツアーは、現地までのアクセスが困難等の余程の大雪・大雨を除き、基本開催となります。 中止または変更等の可能性がある場合、事前にお電話にてご連絡をさせていただきます。 ※天候急変等により開催直前に中止となる場合、現地までの交通費、宿泊費等はお客様のご負担となりますこと、予めご了承下さい。 |
Required minimum number of participants | 4 Person(s) |
Possible number of bookings | 2~6 |
About duration |
2~3 hours
全所要2.5時間 予定
Operating period | 2026/1/18〜2026/3/02 1月下旬〜2月中旬 予定(※氷結状況により他日程応相談) |
Assembly time | 現地 14:20 ☆駅等ピックアップの場合 ex)軽井沢駅 13:20発(要事前問合) |
Booking deadline | until 11:59 the day before |
Changing room | Toilet | ||
Shower | Parking | ||
Locker |
Dress code - Must bring items | □暖かい防寒用の服装 ☆調節できるように、重ね着で! ・アウタージャケット&パンツ(スキー・ボード用やレインウェア等) ・ミドル(フリース、ダウン等) ・アンダーウェア ・厚手の暖かい靴下 (速乾性のあるもの。×綿素材NG) □ゴム長靴(丈が長めのもの) ※川を渡ります。 □滑り止めスパイク類(チェーンスパイク、軽アイゼン等) *お持ちの方 □ポール (ストック)、ヘルメット *お持ちの方 □手袋:防寒防水性のあるもの、スキー・ボード用グローブ等 □帽子・耳あて・フェイスガード等(防寒用) □サングラス、ゴーグル類 □ザック(背負えるバッグ) □飲み物、行動食(おやつ) |
About rental items | ★ウェア・ブーツ各種レンタルあり★ □滑り止めスパイク類(チェーンスパイク、軽アイゼン等)&ポール(ストック)set(¥1,100-) □レインジャケット □レインパンツ □ブーツ (ゴム長靴) □その他 ・グローブなど (料金別途、各¥550- ※要事前予約) |
Matters require attention | ※野外活動の特性(天候の急変、ケガの可能性等)を認識し、自己責任の元にご参加下さい。 ※アウトドアツアーは悪天候等によりスケジュールの変更や中止を余儀なくされることをご理解の上、ご予約・ご参加下さい。 ※お申込みの際、当日お越しの交通手段等を予めお知らせ下さい。 ※ウェア・ブーツ等レンタルご希望の際は、若干数となりますので予めご相談下さい。 |
Other notifications | ◆シーズン始めや終盤・直前の近いお日にち、送迎、その他アレンジツアー、グループ、団体、貸し切り等のご相談は『アウトドア外遊び体験ツアー earth』まで。 |
美しい氷の造形美 思わず写真を撮りたくなる、素敵な景色と出会いましょう
迫力の絶景!大小、氷柱の数々 渓谷の斜面に広がる つらら、氷の壁面 圧巻のスケール!
冬の軽井沢周辺で遊ぼう! その他、スノーシューツアーも開催中☆氷瀑鑑賞ハイキング・トレッキングは状況によりチェーンスパイクや軽アイゼン等を使います☆
☆軽井沢駅発 他(要事前問合)
☆軽井沢駅 他、ピックアップ可
ex)軽井沢駅 13:20発(要実費。事前問合)
Please wait a moment
Included in price
Not included in price
※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage.
At our company, in order for many customers to enjoy various activities all over Japan safely and with peace of mind, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's " Basic Policy for Countermeasures against Coronavirus Infectious Diseases " and " Let's Avoid the Three Cs "・ Based on the " new lifestyle ", we recommend the following infectious disease countermeasures to the operator.
For infection prevention measures of the operating company, please refer to [Appeal points for safety] or [Notes on participating in the course ] of each operating company information at the bottom of the plan reservation page, and for details, please contact each operating company directly. Please contact us.
You can also check the following page for information on the efforts of activity companies in each region!
How to enjoy new activities in the after / with corona era
Even if you are a customer, when you continue to go out, in addition to avoiding so-called [three secrets], cough etiquette, thorough hand washing and alcohol disinfection, etc., on June 19, 2020 (Friday), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, sightseeing Please be aware of the [new travel etiquette ] announced by the Japan Tourism Agency, take actions to avoid the risk of infectious diseases, and enjoy activities and leisure activities safely.
Even now, there are tourist facilities and activity operators whose business hours and dates have changed. Please check the calendar status at the time of application and check the latest information with each operator even after the reservation is completed. Please check with each operator regarding whether or not there is a cancellation fee due to sudden closure of the facility, cancellation of the activity experience, etc.
In addition, Activity Japan also offers an "online experience" service where you can enjoy various activities!
[Online experience] New experience online anywhere
The "online experience" service is digital content that can be expected to create a new community by connecting customers with local and tourism businesses on a daily basis. Those who have difficulty going out due to circumstances, those who want to try but are uneasy about having a real experience suddenly, those who want to collect local information to plan future trips and stay plans, etc. Feel free to meet local instructors and guides online and enjoy a conversation while experiencing a simulated experience!
Please use it together.