[Nagano/ Omachi City Cherry Blossom Story] Cherry Blossom Tour Lunch Time / Tea Time at Lake Nakatsuna of the Golden Bell Legend
- Beginners welcome - First try
- Flower blossom
- Empty-hands OK
- Solo participant
- Children welcome
Possible number of bookings1~7
Participating age2Age ~ 100 Age
Duration1~2 hours 他
Enjoy the food of Shinano Omachi and enjoy nostalgic play at Lake Nakatsuna, the legendary golden bell that blooms with cherry blossoms. Board the Voyager Canoe at Lake Nakatsuna and enjoy the delicious sweets of Shinano Omachi or the lunch box of Shinano Omachi. Find the legendary bell. You will also experience the nostalgic play that grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, and mothers experienced as children. [Legend] There used to be a temple called Jukkokuji on the shores of Lake Nakatsuna. One year, a big earthquake sank into Lake Nakatsuna due to the collapse of the mountain. There was a big golden bell in this temple, but it also sank in the lake. After that, many people tried to lift this bell, but it rained heavily and could not be lifted. There was always a haunting in the house of the person who tried to lift it. Even now, at the turn of the weather, the sound of bells can be heard from the bottom of the lake, and when you board a boat on a sunny day and go out onto the lake, you can clearly see the golden bells on the bottom of the lake. (Partially from Shinfu Toki edited in 1724) From Saturday, August 21, 2021 to Sunday, October 10, 2021 Northern Alps International Arts Festival 2020-2021 Scheduled to be held Shinano Omachi (Omachi City)
Lunch time 12:00 Meeting 12: 10-14: 00 Cruise
Tea time 9:00 set 9:10 to 10:30 cruise, 10:30 set 10:40 to 12:00 cruise, 14:00 set 14:10 to 15:30 cruise, 15:30 set 15:40 to 17 0:00 Cruise
Select your preferred day
- Immediate booking OK!
- Reception closed
- Not accepted
- Request booking

About fees
Basic fee
※The list price includes tax.
※The above price is a basic fee.
※Fees may vary depending on schedule, please check the fee displayed after selecting the date.
Included in price | |
Not included in price |
Payment methods |
Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act | Display of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act |
Reservation cancellation fee generation date | Cancellation fee will be charged from 10 days before the event date. |
About cancellation | 10-7 days before: 10%, 6-2 days before: 30%, the day before: 50%, On the day And no contact non-participation: 100% |
About event termination | Weather forecast For rainfall of 1 mm / h. Cancellation of the tour due to weather will be decided 30 minutes before. Experiences and courses may be changed or canceled due to sudden changes in weather or Other reasons. There is also the last stop. In case of cancellation by the organizer, the participation fee will be fully refunded, but the transportation expenses to the meeting The meeting place will be borne by the participants. If you hear the sound of thunder during the cruise, or if the rain becomes strong, we will cancel. No refund will be made if you board the boat for more 50 minutes. |
Detailed information of this plan
Required minimum number of participants | 3 Person(s) |
Possible number of bookings | 1~7 |
About duration |
1~2 hours
2~3 hours
Lunch time Time required: 2 hours Tea time Time required: 1 hour 30 minutes
Operating period | 2025/4/25〜2025/5/05 Late April-Early May |
Assembly time | Lunch time 12:00 set, tea time 9:00 set flight 9:00 set, tea time 10:30 set flight 10:30 set, tea time 14:00 set flight 14:00 set, tea time 15:30 set flight 15:30 set |
Booking deadline | until 16:59 3 days before |
Changing room | Toilet | ||
Shower | Parking | ||
Locker |
Dress code - Must bring items | · Wet may be clothes and shoes - Seasonal weather due to cold weather, rain gear Glasses glasses band the direction of ・ Towels · (You need when you get hurt.) Health insurance card copy |
About rental items | nothing special |
Matters require attention | 2 to 14 years old accompanied by parents |
Plan attractions

Early spring starry sky 北アルプス山麓ブランド弁当ジビエ食材使用「農園カフェ ラビット」 ある日のメニュー(写真とは異なります) 猪肉のピーマン詰め マカロニとハムたまごのサラダ 焼塩鮭 玉子焼き キュウリとミョウガの酢の物 新ショウガの甘酢漬け 丸さやいんげんのごま和え(このようなメニューも!信濃大町八坂高原の寒干し大根を使用した「根菜の寒干し大根巻とヤマブキの煮物・厚揚げ) 白花豆の甘煮 夏野菜のグリル バジルソース和え 鶏ささみととうもろこしのフリッター トマトのバジル和え 信濃大町 美麻のあきたこまちと白馬の紫米ごはん (美麻のあきたこまちと白馬の紫米を信濃大町の女清水で炊き上げました。)
ランチ 信州ACEプロジェクト認定健康づくり応援弁当「健菜樂食Zen」 ある日のメニュー 信州ハーブ鶏の香草全粒粉パン粉焼き 自家製凍み豆腐の全粒粉ソテー・黒酢ソース 自家栽培大豆の全粒粉コロッケ 自家栽培じゃが芋と明太子の全粒粉パン粉のせオーブン焼き 錦ごま塩玄米ご飯 スパニッシュオムレツ 自家栽培無農薬モロッコいんげんのてりマヨあえ 大町産ナスの洋風ごまあえ 大町産ズッキーニの塩レモンあえ 大町産ピーマンのナムル 人参のラベ 自家製ピクルス 自家栽培無農薬レタス トマト
Access - Map
Lake Aoki Campsite Center House
From Nagano Expressway Azumino IC, take Route 147 or the parallel Kita-Alps Panorama Road to Omachi. From Omachi, take Route 148 for about 11 km, turn left at the intersection 400 m ahead after the left branch at the Lake Aoki guide sign, and about 1.4 km along the west bank of Lake Aoki.
A 20-minute walk from Yanaba Station on the JR Oito Line.
Omachi Citizen's Bus Fureai Godaira (Aoki direction) course About 45 minutes from Shinano Omachi Station Get off at Aoki and walk 8 minutes.
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