Buggy Mountain No.9(バギーマウンテンナンバーナイン)

Buggy Mountain No.9(バギーマウンテンナンバーナイン) video list

バギーマウンテン No.9 バギー体験

12月3日(日) バギーマウンテン No.9 バギー体験!

Information on Buggy Mountain No.9(バギーマウンテンナンバーナイン)

Insurance information Tokio Marine & Nichido Accident Insurance Death and sequelae: 2,600,000 yen Hospital visits: 2,000 yen per day Hospitalization: 3,000 yen per day Surgical insurance: 15,000 yen or 30,000 yen
License and Qualifications Ordinary car license, class 2 ordinary car license, large car license, mechanic license
Number of staff 5persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety The staff will give a detailed lecture and lead the way.

Buggy Mountain No.9(バギーマウンテンナンバーナイン) - operating hours

2506-1 Iwato, Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture
Regular holidays No holidays

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