一般社団法人大山観光局 大山ツアーデスク

一般社団法人大山観光局 大山ツアーデスク video list

Electric bikes fun cycling 電動アシスト自転車で楽ちんサイクリング

You can easily cycle up and down Daisen by electric bike!
Let's enjoy cycling with an electric assist bicycle and feel nature and wind of Daisen.
Because it’s an electric assist bicycle, you can cycle leisurely, with little effort.
Feel the wind of Daisen, while cycling with your local Guide.


Daisen beech forest walk 大山ブナの森ウォーク

Enjoy the beauty and serenity nature!
Walk through the Mt.Daisen beech forest and purify your soul.

Trekking in the beech forest is like being submersed in a bath of nature.
Life has become stressful for most people and this program aims to revitalize our heart and soul.
Remove yourself from the concrete jungle and take a leisurely walk through the beech forest. Fill your lungs with forest fresh air and view the spectacular greenery.
The only thing you will hear are the chirping of birds, the sounds of running of rivers, and the leaves swirling in the wind. On your walk your breath will be taken away by the superb views, temple, shrine and wildlife. It will regenerate your mind and body.
The presence within the beech forest is simply overwhelming.


「ちょっと疲れたなぁ~」と感じている方の処方箋にこのプログラムはオススメかも。 日常のコンクリートジャングルから抜け出し、グリーンシャワーの降り注ぐブナの原生林の中をゆったりトレッキング。
聞こえてくるのは鳥のさえずり、川のせせらぎ、風に揺れる葉っぱの音etc, 何が違うってその空気感。途中に出会う絶景に「ワォ~」って歓声をあげ、森で見つけた小さな命には、「生きる」って素晴らしいと感じるはず。

Information on 一般社団法人大山観光局 大山ツアーデスク

Insurance information Japan Ecotourism Association JI Accident & Fire Insurance Ordinary Accident Insurance
License and Qualifications Many of our staff and collaborating guides
Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety We regularly check the safety of tour locations and carry out tours with a small number of people.

一般社団法人大山観光局 大山ツアーデスク - operating hours

45-5 Daisen, Daisen-cho, Saihaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture
Operating hours 08: 30 ~ 17: 00
Regular holidays No particulars

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