梨花和服 京都駅前店

梨花和服 京都駅前店 features

Rika Wafuku Kyoto Ekimae Branch is located just a short walk from Kyoto Station, the gateway to sightseeing, so you can easily enjoy kimono rental after arriving at Kyoto Station or the day after your stay near Kyoto Station. In addition, it is a store that is very popular with users from outside Kyoto Prefecture. If you are considering renting a kimono for the first or last day of your trip to Kyoto, we recommend it as it is a very convenient store where you can rent a kimono near the station and return it immediately. If you are a couple and want to rent a kimono at Kyoto Station, or if you are a student and want to rent a kimono in Kyoto, please consider Rika Wafuku Kyoto Ekimae.

梨花和服 京都駅前店 handling plan list

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Information on 梨花和服 京都駅前店

Member organizations and associations Kyoto Tourism Federation

梨花和服 京都駅前店 - operating hours

Room C, Tatsumi Building 3F, 607 Higashishiokoji-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Operating hours 9: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No particulars

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