梨花和服 鎌倉店

梨花和服 鎌倉店 features

If you want to rent a kimono cheaply in Kamakura, go to Rika Wafuku Kamakura! At Rika Wafuku Kamakura, you can rent lace kimonos, retro-modern kimonos, and antique kimonos all at the same price within the plan! We have more than 300 rental kimonos, and you can rent your favorite one. In addition, it is a 4-minute walk from JR Kamakura Station, so you can enjoy sightseeing in Kamakura, so you can go to popular sightseeing spots in Kamakura such as Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Kamakura Daibutsu, and Meigetsu-in Temple immediately after renting. For those who are thinking of renting a kimono for a couple's date in Kamakura! At Rika Wafuku Kamakura, couples can choose a rental kimono or yukata together. Kimonos for men are also available in sizes S to 3L, so you can use them without worrying about your height or body shape, so we recommend renting kimonos for couples!

梨花和服 鎌倉店 handling plan list

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Information on 梨花和服 鎌倉店

Member organizations and associations Kamakura City Tourism Association

梨花和服 鎌倉店 - operating hours

Kanagawa Prefecture Kamakura City Komachi 2-chome 12-37 Tier I Building II 2-B
Operating hours 9: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No particulars

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