菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) のギャラリー
菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) のギャラリー
菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) のギャラリー
菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) のギャラリー
菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) のギャラリー

菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center)

菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) features

< Serizawa Diving Recommended point of the center! >
▼ There is a sink
About 3 minutes by boat, there is a popular point "Sanken" of No. 1 Sawazawa, which is magnificently set in white sand.
▼ The beach is in front of you
It is a beach where you can enter immediately by just going down a slope. It is selfish with depth of up to 16m deep Diving But you can enjoy it.
▼ It is equipment selected carefully
You can recommend it with our local service, which is a local service.
▼ Adventure
You can do adventures in the cave's 'Shrimp hole' and 'Sagogo roots' with large roots. You will be fascinated by the beauty of white sand and soft corals with "A" and "Monguchi".

菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) comments・reviews

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菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) staff introduction

  • Yoshio Kinji
  • Yuji Miyamoto

菖蒲沢ダイビングセンター(Shobuzawa Diving Center) - operating hours

384-1 Hama, Kawazu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture
Operating hours 8:00 to 17:00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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