
無心窯陶芸教室 features

A pottery kiln with a history of 35 years. Our classroom is located in Aokidaira, a suburb of Fujinomiya City, which is rich in nature, on a hill with Mt. Fuji in front. In addition to the Aokidaira classroom, we also conduct visiting pottery classes at various community centers, support schools, vocational schools, support facilities, etc. Especially for beginners and handicapped people, we provide guidance on how to make pottery works that are practical even for the first time. In addition, finish shaving and coloring can be done within the time.

無心窯陶芸教室 handling plan list

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無心窯陶芸教室 - operating hours

668 Aokidaira, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-21: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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