OUT DOOR 33 features

It's called OUT DOOR 33. We are holding a solo can & bonfire experience class (workshop) in the suburbs of Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. There are many things that beginners should know and find useful, such as how to use a knife, butting, feather sticks, fire starters, bonfire cafe time, how to set up a tent, how to start a fire, and how to bonfire. Watching a video is completely different from actually doing it. Please try it once so that you can start camping happily and there are no injuries or accidents. Prepare a set of necessary camping equipment for each person and participate empty-handed!

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Information on OUT DOOR 33

Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Since we handle fire and knives, we have leather gloves.

OUT DOOR 33 - operating hours

949-10 Shosha, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture
Operating hours 11: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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