
清里の森NOUEN CAFE features

Opened in Kiyosato, it is an outdoor cafe restaurant with a tent sauna, dog run, BBQ park, and tennis court, which are attracting attention. Please use the activity cafe where you can enjoy not only food and tea but also a day in the vast grounds.

清里の森NOUEN CAFE handling plan list

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Information on 清里の森NOUEN CAFE

License and Qualifications JPTA Professional Instructor, RYT200
Member organizations and associations Japan Professional Tennis Association
Number of staff 7persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety Since we operate campsites and marine activities at affiliated companies, we have general outdoor experts enrolled, and we will lead beginners and users with safety first.

清里の森NOUEN CAFE - operating hours

3545-1 Kiyosato, Takane-cho, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi
Operating hours Closed on Mondays, Tuesday-Thursday 8: 00-18: 00 Friday-Saturday 8: 00-22: 00 Sunday 8: 00-19: 00
Regular holidays Monday

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