着飾処 雅 のギャラリー

着飾処 雅

着飾処 雅 features

At "Kikazaridokoro", you can easily change into a kimono and visit various places such as Naramachi and Todaiji Temple. We have everything you need for dressing, so you can come empty-handed! We have colorful kimonos such as gorgeous kimonos and kimonos with an elegant atmosphere, so please rent your favorite kimono and enjoy Nara ♪

着飾処 雅 handling plan list

着飾処 雅 comments・reviews

着飾処 雅 - operating hours

No. 20 Mochiidonocho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture
Operating hours 11: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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