笑う顔ヨガ教室 のギャラリー
笑う顔ヨガ教室 のギャラリー
笑う顔ヨガ教室 のギャラリー
笑う顔ヨガ教室 のギャラリー
笑う顔ヨガ教室 のギャラリー
笑う顔ヨガ教室 のギャラリー


笑う顔ヨガ教室 features

"Laughing face yoga" is facial yoga that trains and stretches facial muscles. By training your facial muscles, you can improve lift-up, wrinkles, and sagging, and rejuvenate! When your face changes, your heart becomes brighter! Become. Isn't the chance of interacting with people reduced due to the corona sickness, the chattering lessened, and the face and mind becoming less energetic? When you perform "laughing face yoga", the facial muscles transmit stimulation to the brain, and the happy hormone "serotonin" is secreted. What! Even with a "making smile", the brain is fun! happy! Feeling that, "serotonin" is secreted in the same way! ★ Take off your mask online, enjoy communication in a safe environment, get the best smile, and make a nice "smile" a habit!

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Information on 笑う顔ヨガ教室

Authorization issued by Fumiko Takatsu facial yoga certification
License and Qualifications Face Yoga Instructor Kids Yoga / Parent-Child Yoga Instructor Postnatal Yoga Instructor Japan Yoga Therapy Society / YTIC Completed
Member organizations and associations Japan Long-term Care Prevention Dance Association
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety All lessons are held online, so you can be assured of your safety.

笑う顔ヨガ教室 - operating hours

Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-20: 00
Regular holidays Wednesday

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