パセラ リムジンデスク

パセラ リムジンデスク features

You can enjoy sightseeing in the city and food thoroughly with a luxurious limousine half-day We have prepared a plan!

パセラ リムジンデスク handling plan list

パセラ リムジンデスク comments・reviews

パセラ リムジンデスク staff introduction

  • Shinya Ise(イセ シンヤ) Assigned events/Years of experience, etc.:Limousine driver

    The charm point is the trendy shaved head and thin eyebrows! Contrary to its appearance, we will provide kind and polite response and driving so that everyone can feel at ease ♪ Let's enjoy the best time!

  • Yoshiaki Kawashima(カワシマ アキラ) Assigned events/Years of experience, etc.:Limousine driver

    We will entertain our customers by taking advantage of our experience at famous theme parks and customer service at PASELA! Our philosophy is to provide a service that can reach the itchy place. It is often said that it resembles a penguin when compared to an animal! We will provide you with the best time, so let's go around Tokyo with a limousine ♪

Information on パセラ リムジンデスク

Number of staff 3persons

パセラ リムジンデスク - operating hours

2-4-10 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo KDX Higashi Shinjuku Building 7th floor
Operating hours Telephone reception hours: 10:00 to 19:00 / Available time: 14:00 to 23:30

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