ハクビ和裁学院 のギャラリー


ハクビ和裁学院 features

Sun Japanese dressmaking tailor, which is a traditional costume of this kimono.

I will study tailoring according to taste and body shape of the wearer.

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Sun traditional kimono making of this

The Hakubi Setagakuin College studies tailoring according to the taste and body shape of the person wearing the same shape with the aim of tailoring "comfortable kimono".

We will learn skills aiming for renewable tailoring so that we can take over important kimono carefully.

ハクビ和裁学院 - operating hours

2-11-1 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo Sugamo Muromachi Building 3rd floor
Operating hours 9: 00 ~ 18: 00 ※ However it depends on opening class.
Regular holidays Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays (2 days a week holiday) * However, this varies depending on the classes offered.

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