レッスンスタジオWAnocoto のギャラリー
レッスンスタジオWAnocoto のギャラリー
レッスンスタジオWAnocoto のギャラリー


レッスンスタジオWAnocoto features

"Lesson studio WAnocoto" is a lesson studio where you can learn various Japanese lessons comfortably. We offer courses to learn Japanese traditional culture with high thresholds in a new form.

レッスンスタジオWAnocoto handling plan list

レッスンスタジオWAnocoto comments・reviews

レッスンスタジオWAnocoto - operating hours

3-5-9 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Central Coffee Headquarters Building 2nd floor
Operating hours 11: 00-20: 30 Sunday 11: 00-18: 00 ※ In the case of noon class lesson, it may be closed at 19:00
Regular holidays None (Year-end and New Year holidays, except Bon Festival)

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