養神館合気道明龍館 のギャラリー


養神館合気道明龍館 features

By proper body movement, Aikido allows you to control an aggressor who has a bigger physique. Also, because you make use of the aggressors' energy by special techniques, everyone can practice, no matter the age or gender. During the training, you will not only learn the fundamental techniques, but also the way of throwing. There are no contests or competitions at all.
You will practice techniques containing entering and turning movements that redirect the momentum of your opponent’s attack, which allow you to not only defend yourself, but also prevent your attacker from getting injured. There are plenty of female members, because Aikido includes elements of the art of self-defense, and for the purpose of mastering etiquette, a lot of children also take part in this training. Besides that, since your whole body is in motion, it's good for your health, like blood circulation for instance. Furthermore, you will be extremely energetic after practicing.

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養神館合気道明龍館 - operating hours

2-107 Onuma, Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture

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