A comprehensive guide to getting to the Ogasawara Islands, prices, and popular tours!

A comprehensive guide to getting to the Ogasawara Islands, prices, and popular tours!
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Activity Japan Editorial Department

On this page, Tokyo Ogasawara Islands How to get there Special feature!

Information on ferry boarding locations, fares, travel times, and the cheapest means of transportation. A comprehensive guide to accessing the Ogasawara Islands To do.

How long does it take from Tokyo? Can I get there by plane? Check out this collection of useful information for planning your trip to the Ogasawara Islands.

What kind of place are the Ogasawara Islands?

A comprehensive guide to getting to the Ogasawara Islands, prices, and popular tours!

The area is made up of about 30 islands of various sizes located off the Pacific coast, approximately 1,000 km south-southwest of Tokyo. Ogasawara Islands (Ogasawara Shotou)."

It belongs to Ogasawara Village, Tokyo, and is part of the Mukojima Islands, Chichijima Islands, Hahajima Islands, and Volcano Islands (Iwo Islands). Divided into four areas It has been.

Among them People live on Chichijima, the central island, and Hahajima. Only.

Subtropical climate with high temperatures all year round The Ogasawara Islands are home to rare plants and animals that thrive in their beautiful natural surroundings.

A wide variety of creatures live here, including dolphins, sea turtles, and humpback whales. The ocean, untouched nature, and historical sites that tell the story of war is synonymous with tourism.

On the island, Tours for tourists, such as marine sports and nature guided tours, are held here and are very popular. We are collecting.

The Ogasawara Islands are a registered World Natural Heritage site.

The Ogasawara Islands were registered as a World Heritage Site in June 2011 due to their rich and unique natural environment.

Popular activity experience tour rankings for the Ogasawara Islands

1 Rank

[Half-day tour to South Island] The most spectacular view in Ogasawara! Landing on South Island, the Galapagos of the Orient

Bamboo Nature Academy
8,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (3 reviews/experiences)

A must-see scenic spot when you come to Ogasawara! The contrast between the pure white sand and the blue sea is amazing. Come and see the otherworldly scenery that you can't see just by looking from the outside!

2 Rank

[Ogasawara Islands, Chichijima] Dolphin swimming & watching half-day tour | Swim with wild dolphins! An impressive half-day tour ★ Snorkeling included

Bamboo Nature Academy
8,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review/experience)

Let's go meet the wild dolphins that live in the sea of ​​Ogasawara! The dolphins swim gracefully in the beautiful sea. Let's approach gently and swim with them without scaring them!

3 Rank

[Night Tour] Discover a different world from the daytime! Explore Ogasawara at night in search of nocturnal creatures!

Bamboo Nature Academy
4,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 2.5
  • (1 review/experience)

There are many hidden attractions in the night of Ogasawara. What are the things that are active in the darkness? Let's go and see them quietly! Please enjoy another attraction of the trip, stargazing.

4 Rank

[Enjoy the Ogasawara Sea 1-Day Tour] Landing on Minami Island, searching for dolphins and whales, and snorkeling all included! Plan details

Bamboo Nature Academy
13,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review/experience)

If you come to Ogasawara, you should definitely visit the Bonin Blue Sea at least once! Please join us on this one-day tour packed with the fun of the sea. A Tokyo Nature Guide will provide you with detailed and fun guidance. Let's go on an adventure together!

5 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] For those who want to take a leisurely stroll! Forest walking tour (half-day course) Light walking!

6,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

We will take a leisurely, easy walk through the forest while explaining about the vegetation of shrubs and coastal forests. Recommended for those who want to enjoy a leisurely, leisurely nature observation.

How to get to the Ogasawara Islands

" Ogasawara Islands How do I get there from here? I'm sure there are many people out there researching how to get there.

The most common way to get to the Ogasawara Islands is via a ferry between Tokyo's Takeshiba Pier and Chichijima's Futami Port. Only the regular ferry service "Ogasawara Maru (Ogasawara Kaiun)" is.

Unlike the Izu Islands, which are also remote islands of Tokyo, There is no airport and it cannot be reached by plane So please be careful.

In the following, Route from Takeshiba Pier in Tokyo to Futami Port in Chichijima We have summarized the following.

Route from Takeshiba Pier in Tokyo to Futami Port in Chichijima

Tokyo, Takeshiba Pier
↓ (about 3 hours 10 minutes)
↓ (about 4 hours 40 minutes)
↓ (about 6 hours 30 minutes)
↓ (9 hours 40 minutes)
Futami Port, Chichijima

From Takeshiba Pier in Tokyo to Futami Port on Chichijima The journey takes approximately 24 hours (one full day) takes.

In addition, the "Hahajima Maru" operates regular services from Chichijima to Hahajima, with the travel time being approximately two hours.

Please check the official websites for the timetables of the Ogasawara-Maru and Hahajima-Maru.

Travel time to the Ogasawara Islands

A comprehensive guide to getting to the Ogasawara Islands, prices, and popular tours!

" from Tokyo Ogasawara Islands How many hours will it take? " Travel time is also a frequently asked question.

As mentioned above, the only way to access the Ogasawara Islands is mainly via the Ogasawara-Maru (Ogasawara Kaiun), which departs from Takeshiba Pier in Tokyo.

The Ogasawara Maru is Approximately 24 hours (1 full day) via Hachijojima etc. After a voyage, we arrived at the Ogasawara Islands.

The Ogasawara Maru is In addition to the cabins (guest rooms), the ship is equipped with a restaurant, lounge, shop, etc. This allows you to stay comfortable even on long journeys.

Fee to the Ogasawara Islands

Next is the "Ogasawara Maru (Ogasawara Kaiun)" Ferry fare between Tokyo's Takeshiba Pier and Chichijima's Futami Port (one way) Let's check out the following.

The fare for the Ogasawara-Maru cruise is the same as that for hotels and other accommodations. Set according to cabin (guest room) grade It has been.

Ogasawara-Maru fare table

grade First Class Room Special 1st Class First Class Special 2nd class sleeper Second class sleeper Second class Japanese-style room
adult 99,500 yen (+21,160 yen) 90,150 yen (+19,170 yen) 69,900 yen (+14,860 yen) 50,470 yen (+10,730 yen) 38,030 yen (+8,090 yen) 33,390 yen (+7,100 yen)
student 89,410 yen (+19,010 yen) 80,060 yen (+17,020 yen) 59,810 yen (+12,710 yen) 40,380 yen (+8,580 yen) 30,430 yen (+6,470 yen) 26,720 yen (+5,680 yen)
child 49,750 yen (+10,580 yen) 45,080 yen (+9,590 yen) 34,950 yen (+7,430 yen) 25,240 yen (+5,370 yen) 19,020 yen (+4,050 yen) 16,700 yen (+3,550 yen)

The cheapest way to get to the Ogasawara Islands

" Ogasawara Islands The cheapest way to get to I'm sure there are many people out there researching this.

The only way to access the Ogasawara Islands is by Ogasawara-Maru (Ogasawara Kaiun), The cheapest grade cabin (room) is the cheapest It will be.

The cheapest cabin (guest room) on the Ogasawara Maru is a second-class Japanese-style room.

adult 33,390 yen (+7,100 yen)
student 26,720 yen (+5,680 yen)
child 16,700 yen (+3,550 yen)

The fare for the Ogasawara-Maru cruise includes: Discounts for students and island residents, as well as for people with physical, intellectual, and mental disabilities is provided.

For more information, please visit the Ogasawara Kaiun official website.

*This fare table applies to boardings from July 1st to July 31st, 2024.

*Fares include fuel price fluctuation adjustment fees. (The amount in parentheses is the adjustment amount.)

*Fare includes consumption tax.

*Student discount applies to second class Japanese-style rooms, second class sleeper cars, and special second class sleeper cars, and is a 20% discount off the adult fare.

*Students who wish to study in other classes will be required to pay the additional fee.

*The island resident discount is a 30% discount off the fare, and the island student discount is a 35% discount off the adult fare.

*Discounts for physically, intellectually, and mentally disabled people (the person themselves and one caregiver or attendant) apply to all classes (50% discount on fares).

How to get to the Ogasawara Islands from Kansai

From other prefectures such as the Kansai region Ogasawara Islands Even if you go to You need to board the Ogasawara Maru (Ogasawara Kaiun) from Takeshiba Pier in Tokyo. Masu.

Each travel agency offers Shinkansen and night buses. Package tours including transportation to Tokyo are available for sale It has been.

Also, if you have the time and budget, Cruise ships with multiple departure and arrival points within the country are also available. is.

For example, in a typical year "Nippon Maru," "Pacific Venus," "Asuka II," etc. The route includes the Ogasawara Islands.

Popular activity experience tour rankings for the Ogasawara Islands

Finally, based on the latest reservation data from Activity Japan, Ogasawara Islands Popular activity experience tour ranking "We would like to introduce you to "

It is also registered as a World Heritage Site. A number of experience tours that allow you to fully enjoy beautiful nature were ranked doing.

Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials Please use this to help you compare plans.

We expect many reservations and inquiries for each plan during weekends, holidays, Golden Week, summer vacation, Silver Week, and other long holiday seasons. We recommend that you check the availability of your schedule and make reservations early.
1 Rank

[Half-day tour to South Island] The most spectacular view in Ogasawara! Landing on South Island, the Galapagos of the Orient

Bamboo Nature Academy
8,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 4.7
  • (3 reviews/experiences)

A must-see scenic spot when you come to Ogasawara! The contrast between the pure white sand and the blue sea is amazing. Come and see the otherworldly scenery that you can't see just by looking from the outside!

2 Rank

[Ogasawara Islands, Chichijima] Dolphin swimming & watching half-day tour | Swim with wild dolphins! An impressive half-day tour ★ Snorkeling included

Bamboo Nature Academy
8,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review/experience)

Let's go meet the wild dolphins that live in the sea of ​​Ogasawara! The dolphins swim gracefully in the beautiful sea. Let's approach gently and swim with them without scaring them!

3 Rank

[Night Tour] Discover a different world from the daytime! Explore Ogasawara at night in search of nocturnal creatures!

Bamboo Nature Academy
4,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 2.5
  • (1 review/experience)

There are many hidden attractions in the night of Ogasawara. What are the things that are active in the darkness? Let's go and see them quietly! Please enjoy another attraction of the trip, stargazing.

4 Rank

[Enjoy the Ogasawara Sea 1-Day Tour] Landing on Minami Island, searching for dolphins and whales, and snorkeling all included! Plan details

Bamboo Nature Academy
13,000 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 5.0
  • (1 review/experience)

If you come to Ogasawara, you should definitely visit the Bonin Blue Sea at least once! Please join us on this one-day tour packed with the fun of the sea. A Tokyo Nature Guide will provide you with detailed and fun guidance. Let's go on an adventure together!

5 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] For those who want to take a leisurely stroll! Forest walking tour (half-day course) Light walking!

6,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

We will take a leisurely, easy walk through the forest while explaining about the vegetation of shrubs and coastal forests. Recommended for those who want to enjoy a leisurely, leisurely nature observation.

6 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] Forest walking tour with guided nature commentary! For those who want to take a leisurely stroll (1-day course)

10,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

Why not take a leisurely walk through the forest while observing nature? This plan will introduce you to the most representative vegetation and provide an overview of nature. It is a light walk. Please feel free to join us.

7 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] Adventure tour where memories of war lie (half-day course)

6,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

In Ogasawara, many of the great scars of war lie dormant. On this tour, you can visit these battlefields and learn about the stupidity and horror of war, and the importance of peace.

8 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] Adventure tour around Ogasawara, where the memories of war lie (1-day course)

1,000,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

This tour takes you around the war sites where many memories lie, while thinking about the horror of war and the importance of peace. The guide is an investigator from the Ogasawara Village War Site Investigation Report. The war site guide has visited many war sites in Japan, from the Hakodate Battery in the north to the main island of Okinawa in the south.

9 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] Night tour to explore nocturnal flora and fauna and listen to celestial commentary

4,500 Yen ~ (tax included)
  • 1.5
  • (1 review/experience)

At night on Chichijima, there are many nocturnal creatures. There are many fascinating creatures, such as the Ogasawara flying fox and the Green Pepe. Depending on the weather, you can listen to a lecture on celestial bodies while gazing at the moon and stars, or explore the beach at night and observe the creatures that live on the beach.

10 Rank

[Tokyo/Ogasawara Chichijima] Relaxed observation - Sunset tour "Easy course" to enjoy the beautiful sunset

4,500 Yen ~ (tax included)

We will meet 30 minutes before sunset and head to various sunset points to watch the moment the sun sinks into the Pacific Ocean. It's sure to make you feel romantic.

*The content of this article is current as of July 2024.

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