List of special features related to Okinawa


Naha sightseeing spot recommendation ranking

We feature tourist spots in Naha City, Okinawa in a ranking format. We introduce a wide range of experiences that can be participated in near tourist spots, uninhabited island tours, and spots that meet niche needs.


2025 Golden Week Calendar and Popular Tour Activities

Golden Week in 2024 will run from Saturday, April 27th to Monday, May 6th. If you can take three days off, you can have up to 10 consecutive days off. We will also announce a ranking of popular travel destinations and activities recommended for Golden Week!


When does the New Year's holiday start and end? [2024-2025 edition]

We explain the New Year's holiday from 2024 (Reiwa 6) to 2025 (Reiwa 7). We also introduce the New Year's holidays for government offices, banks, and post offices. We also introduce popular areas for New Year's holiday travel, as well as activities and experiences!

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