Things to do in Ohara/Kurama/Kifune

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Ohara, Kurama, Kibune peripheral has there are many temples, known for power spot. Kurama is, and that GyuuWakamaru has the training, as a place to live is Tengu, tourist attractions popular as a power spot of Kyoto. In addition, kifune shrine with the old history as there are many of divine favor, it is said that power spot of Japan's leading. From the beautiful garden of 聚碧 gardens and Qing garden of Sanzenin is a popular spot with views of the autumn leaves and cherry blossoms. Because there is a hiking course, it is a good idea to appreciate the scenery of scenery come and go while walking. In this of the surrounding area is characterized by activities to move the body, such as rock climbing and rock trek in Konpirayama Kyoto. Other persimmon dyeing and pottery also offers a number of fun plan also in the room, such as eight bridges making.

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