
えにしホースパーク features

Enishi Horse Park is approximately 50 minutes by car from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. We offer horse activities. You can enjoy a casual horseback riding experience on a horse drawn by our staff at an indoor horse track that is not affected by the weather or on a vast grounds surrounded by rich nature.

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Information on えにしホースパーク

Authorization issued by Miyagi Prefecture Shiogama Public Health Center, animal handling business
License and Qualifications National Horse Riding Club Promotion Association Instructor Qualification British Beginner 14 years
Member organizations and associations National Riding Club Association of Japan
Number of staff 6persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety This is a walking experience so that even beginners and inexperienced people can participate with peace of mind. Experienced staff will support you while leading your horse.

えにしホースパーク - operating hours

3-5, Higashinarita, Kazuzakairi, Osato-machi, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi Prefecture
Operating hours 9: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Monday afternoon (Tuesday afternoon if Monday is a holiday)

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