HEALING TIME in forest のギャラリー
HEALING TIME in forest のギャラリー
HEALING TIME in forest のギャラリー

HEALING TIME in forest

HEALING TIME in forest features

Representative: Kaihara Sanae. Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. Planner and operator of the Koyoku Shinrin-yoku® program. Forest Therapist®, Onsen Sommelier, and Star Sommelier. Since childhood, she has been familiar with nature with her family in mountains such as Tanzawa. Her greatest joy is family trips, and she is always in charge of planning and booking them. She is a member of a mountaineering club for working adults and enjoys camping, trekking, mountain climbing, and climbing in Japan and abroad (sometimes with her children) in various ways. In the midst of her busy life, she realized that forest bathing, the luxury of being in nature and looking up at the magnificent scenery while doing nothing (not thinking), is the ultimate relaxation. She is currently working as a Koyoku Shinrin-yoku® guide and field navigator based in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture. Through her experience as a utilization planner at the Chubu Sangaku National Park Management Office of the Ministry of the Environment, she is currently involved in regional tourism promotion and forest wellness consulting.

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Information on HEALING TIME in forest

Insurance information ●Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Super Business Insurance (Comprehensive Business Activity Insurance, Liability Compensation) / Facility and business activity accidents = 100 million yen, accident response costs = 10 million yen ●Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Event Participant Disability Risk Coverage Contract / Death and residual disability 2 million yen, hospitalization 3,000 yen per day, outpatient treatment 2,000 yen per day ●(Guide) ABC Small Amount Short-Term Insurance Co., Ltd., Rescue Insurance / Search and rescue costs 3 million yen
Member organizations and associations NPO Forest Therapy Society, Yamaboshi Nature School, Hida Mountains Geopark Promotion Association, Japan Aroma Environment Association, Sharing Nature Association, Japan Phytotherapy Association, Nature Hospitality Association, ONSEN Gastronomy Tourism Promotion Organization
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety We are taking the following measures to ensure safety and to make sure that our customers can participate with ease. ◆Information on "small group size (1 to 5 people※1)" and "1 group unit" ◆Thorough hand disinfection and consideration for distance between customers ◆Automatic enrollment in Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance and personal injury insurance (participation fee included)※2 ※1 We will discuss the number of participants for each group. ※2 We ask that you voluntarily enroll in other insurance depending on the season and itinerary.

HEALING TIME in forest - operating hours

Kaichi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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