防府きもの体験 しをり のギャラリー
防府きもの体験 しをり のギャラリー
防府きもの体験 しをり のギャラリー

防府きもの体験 しをり

防府きもの体験 しをり features

Would you like to walk around the city wearing a yukata or kimono? "Hofu Kimono Experience Shiori" is a yukata and kimono rental shop. We have 2 patterns of dressing, normal dressing and dress style kimono. You can enjoy kimono in your favorite style! Hair set and makeup are also OK! Enjoy walking around Hofu city and taking pictures♪

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防府きもの体験 しをり - operating hours

9-22 Kurumazukacho, Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Operating hours 9:00 to 16:00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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