山﨑農園 のギャラリー


山﨑農園 features

Encouraged by the words "It was delicious"... Also, strawberries are traded at the highest price during the Christmas season, but we do not sell them at this time. This is because the original season for strawberries is from January to May, and we want our customers to eat them when they are at their most delicious. We are particular about cultivation with low pesticides, and with our unique know-how accumulated over many years, please enjoy delicious strawberries that have been enhanced to the limit of sweetness. The sugar content is over 18 degrees, and now it's the most delicious time!

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山﨑農園 - operating hours

423 Nakadai, Sosa City, Chiba Prefecture
Operating hours From 13:00 to 16:00
Regular holidays No holidays

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