染色工房いふう のギャラリー
染色工房いふう のギャラリー
染色工房いふう のギャラリー



染色工房いふう features

You can experience tie-dyeing and suminagashi dyeing, where you can learn from dyeing professionals! At the Takashima Village No. 4 dyeing studio, you can casually enjoy dyeing with your family and friends♪ Beginners are welcome. From small children to the elderly, I will teach you in an easy-to-understand manner! We are waiting for you at the workshop*

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染色工房いふう - operating hours

1400 Katsuno, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture
Operating hours Business hours: 10:00-16:00 (Last reception 15:00)
Regular holidays Mondays (the next day if Monday is a holiday)

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