福間館 かもめ亭

福間館 かもめ亭 features

A long-established inn with a history of more than 300 years, located in front of the scenic Mihonoseki Miho Shrine located at the eastern end of the Shimane Peninsula. At the port in front of the inn, we have a natural fishing pond and a sightseeing boat for cruising experiences. Park your car in the private parking lot next to the ryokan and enjoy nature with peace of mind.

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Information on 福間館 かもめ亭

Authorization issued by Chugoku Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Shimane Prefecture
Insurance information Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Compensation liability 30 million yen per person x capacity of 12 people
License and Qualifications First-class Small Boat License, Recreational Fishing Boat Operations Chief
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety Fishing is a safe beach facing the harbor. The sightseeing boat has a capacity of 12 people and a power of 580PS. View the Oki Islands in the distance from the Mihonoseki Lighthouse in the Sea of Japan. Be sure to wear a safety check and a life jacket.

福間館 かもめ亭 - operating hours

586 Mihonoseki, Mihonosekicho, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture
Operating hours 10:00-14:00
Regular holidays None (reservation required)

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