
ClimbingJAM静岡店 features

"Climbing JAM" is a climbing gym with 3 stores in Higashi-Shizuoka, Yaizu, and Hamamatsu prefectures. Each store has walls of various shapes and many issues that professional setters deal with. We have walls and spaces that beginners to advanced players can enjoy.

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Information on ClimbingJAM静岡店

Insurance information Sompo Japan, Liability Insurance, 1 yen
Number of staff 6persons
Number of instructors 6persons
Selling points regarding safety Regular climbing hold maintenance and experienced staff will guide you to your first visit.

ClimbingJAM静岡店 - operating hours

128-1 Ikeda, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka
Operating hours Weekdays 13: 00-22: 30 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10: 00-20: 00
Regular holidays Open all year round * There is a temporary closure due to facility maintenance.

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