atelier Aimee のギャラリー
atelier Aimee のギャラリー
atelier Aimee のギャラリー
atelier Aimee のギャラリー

atelier Aimee


atelier Aimee features

We have a glass art class and a flower class in Minami-Sendai. Atelier Aimee is a parent-child unit that makes flower-motif miscellaneous goods with the theme of flower miscellaneous goods that make families happy. Parents and children are opening stores, feeling the importance of connecting with their families after the earthquake. Tamiko, my mother, arranged an artificial flower. My daughter Ekubi is in charge of herbarium and glass art. Atelier Amy's miscellaneous goods have natural motifs such as flowers and plants, so they add color to your monotonous daily life. Handmade one by one. There are many items that you can use as gifts for your loved ones or as rewards for yourself. Feelings for our family We hope that your family will feel happy through the work ^ _ ^

atelier Aimee handling plan list

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Information on atelier Aimee

Member organizations and associations Japan Herbarium Association

atelier Aimee - operating hours

Maeokikita, Nakadamachi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-19: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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