BioraHouse そろばんビレッジ白山

BioraHouse そろばんビレッジ白山 features

Choose your favorite frame and ball color and experience making one My Abacus in the world! (You can choose from 9 digits / 12 digits / 15 digits ♪)

BioraHouse そろばんビレッジ白山 comments・reviews

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Information on BioraHouse そろばんビレッジ白山

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons

BioraHouse そろばんビレッジ白山 - operating hours

78-2 Sannomiyamachi, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Operating hours Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays
Regular holidays Weekdays

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