
滝ちょうちん店 features

Near Wakayama Castle, 10 minutes walk from Wakayamashi Station. How about a casual experience? You can freely draw pictures and letters on a cute lantern with a height of 25 cm and a diameter of 12 cm. For decorating your room, as a gift, or as a souvenir for overseas! Materials and tools are available, so please come empty-handed. You can take your work home as it is. Please make a reservation by e-mail at least 3 days in advance for the convenience of preparation. We do not have a parking lot, so we apologize for the inconvenience, but please use a nearby coin parking lot. Please allow up to 5 people.

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Information on 滝ちょうちん店

Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety As a measure against coronavirus, we have installed sufficient ventilation and a high-performance air purifier.

滝ちょうちん店 - operating hours

3-30 Honmachi, Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Tuesday

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