和の時空 町屋塾

和の時空 町屋塾 features

Machiya Juku is located in the back alley, 5 minutes from Higashi Chaya District, and is a private wellness and culture space that makes use of the 100-year-old Machiya. Mainly on tea ceremony, incense customization, and my own wellness (collaboration of dance and health promotion) experience, we hold cafes, performances, events, flower workshops, etc. on an irregular basis. It is a comfortable house made of natural materials, and is full of attractions such as clay plaster walls, discerning ceilings and floorboards, and glass windows in the early Showa period. The stucco dragon on the entrance is the guardian deity of Machiya Juku. It is also the activity base of the "Onagawa River with Rape Oil Lights" that protects the natural environment of the Asano River.

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Information on 和の時空 町屋塾

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 3persons

和の時空 町屋塾 - operating hours

1-34-6 Higashiyama, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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