
やまや畳店 features

Choose your favorite pattern from more than 50 types of tatami mats and enjoy making mini tatami mats, accessories, and small tatami mats! You can also choose the design of our original tatami mat Hokuriku Shinkansen (JR West commercialization licensed) and Yamashiro Onsen Yuru-chara "Spakuro-kun". You can experience it from children to adults.

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Information on やまや畳店

Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Use scissors / manual tacker or glue gun. We will also give you time to get used to the tools and give a detailed explanation of how to handle them.

やまや畳店 - operating hours

2-11-1 Yamashiro Onsen (Yamashirodai), Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture
Operating hours AM: 10: 00-PM 16: 00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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