Salon  de LIly のギャラリー
Salon  de LIly のギャラリー
Salon  de LIly のギャラリー

Salon de LIly

Salon de LIly features

Lecturer A talented esthetician selected as one of the 100 Tokyo God esthetics! The owner and therapist of "Salon de Lily, a phytotherapy beauty treatment salon for rejuvenation and health." As a lecturer of authentic French esthetics, he has been engaged in education and treatment advice for estheticians, nurses and doctors in various parts of Japan for about 8 years. He has a wealth of knowledge and has fans all over the country. In 2013, she established the Tokyo store “Anti-aging & Medical Esthetic Salon de LIly”. We support women's health promotion with high-quality plant therapy using French herbal brand "Mansart" and medical herbs and medical aromas. Please feel free to ask questions about scents, herbs, skin care, body care, etc.

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Information on Salon de LIly

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety 100% natural high-quality essential oils and carefully selected natural plants such as white sesame oil are used. A store handling the aroma brand "Medows", which is supported by many medical professionals and therapists in the UK. Our staff has been in charge of botanical therapy and natural therapy for over 15 years, and has a wealth of skills and knowledge from the home of France.

Salon de LIly - operating hours

91-1354 Futo, Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Operating hours 9: 00-21: 00
Regular holidays Irregular holidays (please contact us)

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