神宮寺観光果樹園 のギャラリー
神宮寺観光果樹園 のギャラリー
神宮寺観光果樹園 のギャラリー
神宮寺観光果樹園 のギャラリー


神宮寺観光果樹園 features

Akita Prefecture It is an orchard in Jishinji Temple in Daisen city.

We enjoy fruit hunting according to the season.

神宮寺観光果樹園 comments・reviews

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神宮寺観光果樹園 recommended points

Shower room equipped!

Spacious WC and shower room equipped!

It is safe even with children with pride heavily! ! Let's play with all yourself! ! !

Groups are welcome! !

A visit to the group is also greatly appreciated.

Please use by all means with your family, circle, in-house travel etc.

神宮寺観光果樹園 - operating hours

48-1 Fukushima, Jinguji Temple, Daisen City, Akita Prefecture
Operating hours 9:00 to 17:00

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