Iriomote Island trekking recommended half-day tour ranking

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Jungle Exploration Iriomote Island Canoe Tour Windmill

Okinawa Iriomote Island teeth, A popular tourist spot with untouched nature is.
Activities where you can enjoy not only the sea but also the magnificent mountain scenery. trekking Also recommended!

This time Trekking on Iriomote Island, Okinawa Featured .
Introducing recommended half-day tours in ranking format To do!

The characteristics of Iriomote Island are: Mountains make up most of the island thing .
In addition, on the island A beautiful, highly transparent stream Many The waterfall boasting the highest drop in Okinawa and appeared on popular TV shows Popular Waterfall , A waterfall beloved by locals Such, There are several waterfalls with different charms there is. In addition to trekking, Canoeing and Kayaking in mangrove There are also great value tours available where you can enjoy both!

On Iriomote Island, Half-day tours are popular because even beginners can easily participate and you can enjoy multiple activities at once. .
Find a half-day tour that interests you with your family or friends and set off on a fun adventure on Iriomote Island!

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Ranking #1: Pinaisara Falls

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Pinaisara Falls Drop of about 55m The largest waterfall in Okinawa Prefecture The majestic nature of Iriomote Island Waterfall basin Power spot White Bearded God

" Pinaisara Falls "teeth, " Pinai (beard) and Sara (hanging) A waterfall with the meaning " is.

The drop is about 55m. in, The largest in Okinawa Prefecture !
As its name suggests, Pinaisara Falls has a long, thin stream of water cascading down from the cliff, resembling a long white beard.

The sight of water flowing down from the huge cliffs, A great location to enjoy the majestic nature of Iriomote Island and take some great commemorative photos you know!
On the Cliff If you climb up, you can get a panoramic view of the lush green jungle of Iriomote Island and the surrounding blue ocean.

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Pinaisara Falls Clifftop Iriomote Island's jungle covered in lush greenery A panoramic view of the surrounding blue sea A spectacular view

If you have time, Enjoy the waterfall and the spectacular view while taking a spectacular commemorative photo Let's take a photo!

Pinaisara Falls Waterfall basin teeth, It is also famous as a power spot where the White Bearded God resides. is!
Why not stop by in between taking commemorative photos and share in the power of nature?

If you visit Pinaisara Falls, you should visit the classic Iriomote Island Mangrove canoe and trekking half-day tour I recommend you to participate!

Iriomote Island trekking recommended half-day tour ranking mangrove canoe mangrove forest jungle

Canoe through the dense mangroves, Jungle trekking A tour to Pinaisara Falls is truly an adventure.

If you go in a group with friends, it'll be a lot of fun.
For half-day tours, Participants from age 4 There are also things like that, so you can easily enjoy it even during family trips with children!

Free photo shoot and data gift There are also half-day tours available, so you'll be able to make lots of memories with your family and friends!

[Okinawa Iriomote Island, Pinaisara Falls] The most popular course! The view is spectacular. Canoe & trekking tour

Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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This tour aims to reach the Pinaisara Falls basin by canoeing for about an hour each way and trekking for about 30 minutes while enjoying the jungle and mangroves. You can also swim in the pool of the waterfall. A veteran mountain guide will give you detailed instructions, so even children can enjoy it with peace of mind. You can choose from a half-day course for those who are short on time or a full-day course for plenty of fun.

Sale in progress [Okinawa, Iriomote Island] Swim in the waterfall pool! Pinaisara Falls Canoe & Trekking Short Tour!

Iriomote Island Canoe Club Paisies
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Discount campaign underway!

This is a short tour program that allows you to easily experience the best of Iriomote Island. A trip to the impressive Pinaisara Falls basin, which boasts the highest drop in Okinawa Prefecture! This is a popular field that we can confidently recommend to those who are new to kayaking and those who are new to Iriomote Island. ★★ Tour photos taken by the guide will be given to you for free at a later date! ★★☆This program is

[Iriomote Island - Half Day] Early departures are popular. Canoe and trekking! Pinaisara Waterfall Basin Course ♪ Approximately 4 hours

Iriomote Island Canoe Tour Windmill
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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<おすすめポイント> ・The distance and time of the mangrove canoeing is just right (about 40 minutes one way) ・The trekking is moderate (about 20 minutes one way) ・You can swim in the waterfall pool in summer ・Homemade snacks are their specialty<他社とof比較ポイント> ・We have a tour base near Uehara Port. We can take care of your valuables and rental items (backpacks, shoes, etc.)

[Iriomote Island] Easy half-day course! Morning departure, Pinaisara Falls half-day course! Photo data gift included

Iriomote Island Canoe Club Sokakaze
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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This course is about 30 minutes of canoeing and about 30 minutes of trekking to the Pinaisara Falls basin, so even those who are short on time or not confident in their physical strength can enjoy it with peace of mind. The guide will also give you a thorough lecture before the tour, so even beginners can enjoy it! Mangrove canoeing, jungle exploration, and waterfall play are all part of this short course.

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Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Ranking 2nd place: Hidden Geta Falls

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Hidden Geta Falls A stepped waterfall with massive rock walls and water cascading down in stages A mysterious landscape with plants and waterfalls

" Geeta Falls "teeth, Iriomote Island of River Trekking Tour A popular viewing spot in is.

The location is near the middle reaches of the Geta River, which flows north of Iriomote Island.
Typically Of the multiple waterfalls upstream, the most downstream is called "Geta Falls." .

What you can enjoy at Geeta Falls: A landscape of massive, overlapping rock faces and a tiered waterfall with water cascading down in stages. !
Around Geeta Falls A landscape combining plants and waterfalls is truly mysterious.
It gives off a mysterious atmosphere, like something from a fictional world.

Top of the waterfall If you go around A spectacular view of the virgin forest and the coral reefs You can also have fun!

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Hidden Geta Falls Top of the waterfall A spectacular view of the greenery of the virgin forest and the coral reef sea

To get to Geeta Falls, About 30 to 40 minutes by land Another attractive feature is that it is just the right distance for enjoying some light trekking.

The Gate River Low water volume So, the water is up to the knees. River Trekking You can also enjoy the journey there.
It's nice to be able to enjoy two things at the same time: a cool, refreshing stream walk and a hidden waterfall. is not it!

Why not take some photos at these scenic spots and create some active memories that are unique to Iriomote Island?

At Activity Japan, Half-day trekking tour to the hidden Geta Falls can be reserved.

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Hidden Geta Falls River Trekking Shower Climbing Canyoning

In addition to trekking, some half-day tours include Mangrove Canoe There are also great value tours that take you to these sacred places and power spots!

You can simply enjoy the Geta Falls and trekking, or head to the falls while enjoying the natural beauty of Iriomote Island in various ways.
Talk to your family and friends and join a half-day tour that interests you!

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] World Heritage Jungle! To Geta Falls ~ Spectacular views! Jungle shower hike! Solo travelers welcome

Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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This tour allows you to enjoy the spectacular views of the jungle of the World Heritage Site "Iriomote Island". Sometimes you walk through the river or climb a slope. You will soon feel comfortable in the rich variety of environments and become fascinated. This tour will be held in the Gata River area, which is said to be typical of Iriomote Island, so it is particularly popular with people who want to experience a real jungle.

[World Heritage Site Iriomote Island] To the hidden Geta Falls! Mangrove canoeing x trekking and visiting hidden power spots [Free tour photo data]

Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Discount campaign underway!

World Heritage Site Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance Certified Professional Guide. World Heritage Site Iriomote Island Activity A relaxing and soothing mangrove cruise experience in a popular canoe! Aiming for a hidden waterfall upstream of the river, mangrove and jungle trekking is a world heritage site Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance Certified Professional Guide will explain the flora and fauna of Iriomote Island in an interesting and easy-to-understand way.

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] Explore the jungle deep with shower climbing to the hidden Geda Falls & popular mangrove canoeing! (Lunch & snacks included)

Iriomote Island Komorebi Trip
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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This is a luxurious tour where you can enjoy trekking and mangrove canoeing at the same time on the nature-rich Iriomote Island. On the trek, you will walk through the jungle aiming for the impressive three-tiered waterfall "Geda Falls". After that, you can enjoy the beauty of nature while paddling through the mangrove forest in a canoe. For lunch, enjoy delicious Yaeyama soba in the middle of nature!

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] Refresh yourself with negative ions! Trekking tour to Geta Falls! ★Half-day plan★

Iriomote Island Tour Guide Karakara
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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A popular half-day trekking course. Walk along the stream to the waterfall. At the waterfall, you can enjoy swimming in the pool, bathing in the waterfall, and diving in. Of course, you can also just relax and listen to the sound of the water. Refresh yourself with plenty of negative ions.

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Ranking 3rd place: Kura Falls

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Kura Falls Parents and Children Children Good luck Power spot Drop of about 5m A landscape that combines rock walls with lush greenery

" Kura Falls "teeth, Iriomote Island Popular trekking and power spots is.
Flowing through the northern part of Iriomote Island Near the middle reaches of the Kura River It is located in and can be easily visited for various experience tours, including trekking.

The name "Kura Falls" comes from the Brings good luck " The meaning is included, It is famous not only for tourists but also for locals who come to pray. is.
A small waterfall with a drop of about 5m A landscape that combines rock cliffs and lush greenery. It's full of photogenic elements!

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Kura Falls A location that feels like you're inside a giant aquarium A magnificent view of nature and a mysterious atmosphere

as if A location that makes you feel like you're inside a giant aquarium You can enjoy the magnificent view of nature and the mystical atmosphere at the same time.

To get to Kura Falls, you need to drive to the nearby parking lot and then walk along the animal trail to the falls. Time required: about 15 minutes One of the attractions is the easy access. !
Depending on the plan Short trekking experience available for ages 0 and up So you can do a quick sightseeing trip.

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Kura Falls Short Trekking for Children Parents and Children

If you join the great value half-day tour, Kura Falls Trekking & Mangrove Canoeing You can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, including:

In search of both photogenic and powerful appeal, why not enjoy an easy adventure with your family or a group of friends to the mysterious Kura Falls?

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] World Natural Heritage Site 1. Canoeing experience at the Kula waterfall basin and stream walking half day (morning), photo data, snacks included

Iriomote Island Tour KAGUYA
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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■ Enjoy canoeing (90 minutes round trip) on the mangrove river while observing rare plants and animals. ■ After canoeing, trek through the stream (40 minutes round trip) to the waterfall basin. ■ During snack time at the waterfall basin, you can enjoy seasonal fruits and handmade Ryukyu sweets. ■ This plan can be booked for two or more people. ■ Participation is possible from age 4. ■ Fee

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] World Natural Heritage Site! [Limited to one group per day] 5. Mangrove river canoeing experience, Kula waterfall basin & buffalo cart tour, photo data, lunch included

Iriomote Island Tour KAGUYA
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Enjoy a leisurely canoeing experience (60 minutes round trip) and shower trekking (40 minutes round trip) on the mangrove river, and then visit the waterfall basin where you can see the Kula Falls up close. In the afternoon, your guide will take you to the subtropical botanical garden of Yubu Island, where you can cross the sea in a buffalo cart. *In the summer (May to September), you can swim in the waterfall basin. Please wear a swimsuit. *Buffalo cart sightseeing

[Okinawa Ishigaki] Short Course - Easy Trekking to Kura Falls

Iriomote Jungle Expedition
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)
9,000 Yen ~ (tax included)

Even small children and customers who are not confident in their physical strength can participate as if they are going for a walk. It is easy to get to, but has a hidden atmosphere, so it is also recommended for those who want to take photos of the jungle.

[Iriomote Island] ★Participants from 2 years old OK, limited to one group per day, half-day family private plan★ Play at Kula Falls, mangrove canoe, and observe wildlife! [Free photo data]

Summer Chama [Small group tour specialty store] Iriomote Island
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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A safe and secure tour! A private plan for families♪ Recommended for trips with three generations! ★Day trips from Ishigaki Island OK★Participants from 2 years old to seniors★Tour photo gift""Limited to one group"" This is a tour with high satisfaction that can only be experienced with this tour. The guide will treat you wholeheartedly all day long. Thank you for coming all the way here.

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Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Ranking #4: Power Spot Tour

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Power Spot Tour Waterfall Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE

Iriomote Island for A coastline with numerous waterfalls, a miraculous island made of coral fragments, and an outstanding location Such, Many power spots rich in nature !
Under the guidance of a guide, Trekking tours that visit multiple nature and power spots are popular We are collecting.

Among other things, we will be heading to a power spot at the end of a clear stream in the jungle. SUP Canoe Cruising trekking Such, Half-day tours that allow you to enjoy multiple activities are especially recommended. you know!

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-day Tour Ranking Power Spot Tour SUP Stand Up Paddle Board Iriomote Island KEN

Depending on the tour Participation is possible from early elementary school students is.
During the experience Tours where you can get free photos and data This makes it easy to create memorable memories of your trip to Iriomote Island, Okinawa.

Why not join with your family or a group of friends and enjoy a spectacular adventure while soaking up the power of nature?

[Half-day trip to the World Heritage site of Iriomote Island] Head to a hidden power spot! Mangrove SUP/canoeing + trekking + visiting hidden power spots [Free photo data for the tour]

Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Discount campaign underway!

World Heritage Site Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance Certified Professional Guide Guide. World Heritage Site Iriomote Island Activity A relaxing and soothing mangrove cruise experience in a popular SUP (stand-up paddle) canoe! A leisurely 30-minute round trip trek along the riverside path surrounded by greenery and a stream with water up to knee-deep, aiming for a hidden power spot upstream of the river. A hidden subtropical place

[Half-day trip to the World Heritage site of Iriomote Island] Hidden jungle cruise! Mangrove SUP and canoeing + jungle exploration and visit hidden power spots [Free photo data for tour]

Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Discount campaign underway!

World Heritage Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance Certified Professional Guide Guide. World Heritage Iriomote Island Activities A relaxing and soothing mangrove cruise experience on a popular SUP (stand-up paddle) or canoe! A leisurely 30-minute round trip trek along the riverside path surrounded by greenery and a knee-deep stream, heading for the source of the hidden river upstream. A hidden waterfall in the subtropics.

[World Heritage Iriomote Island] Hidden Land Exploration! Mangrove SUP, Canoeing, Trekking, Hidden Power Spot Tour, Caving (Caves) [Free Tour Photos]

Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Discount campaign underway!

Guided tours by professional guides certified by the World Heritage Site Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance. Experience a relaxing and soothing mangrove cruise on a recommended SUP (stand-up paddle) or canoe on the World Heritage Site Iriomote Island! From upstream, go on a jungle trek to visit hidden power spots! In the afternoon, put on your helmet and headlamp and enjoy the mysterious landscapes created by Mother Nature over tens of thousands of years.

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Ranking 5th: Jungle Trekking

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-Day Tour Ranking Jungle Trekking Walking through the dense virgin forest Adventure Exploration Nature Iriomote Island KEN

Adventure walking through dense virgin forest Jungle trekking experience teeth, Iriomote Island A popular activity!

In the jungle of Iriomote Island, where much of the natural environment remains, Enjoy the deep green landscapes typical of the subtropics, encounters with endemic flora and fauna, and spectacular views that unfold beyond the forest. You can enjoy the following:

Iriomote Island Trekking Recommended Half-day Tour Ranking Jungle Trekking Exploration Encounter with endemic flora and fauna Nature Guide Nature Iriomote Island Komorebi Trip

The Iriomote Island Jungle Trekking Tour includes: Visiting nature spots Of course, it's packed with unforgettable and moving experiences for family and friends!

If you join during the warmer months, You can also enjoy seasonal cool activities such as swimming in the clear stream or walking along the stream. Yo.

Iriomote Island trekking Recommended half-day tour ranking Jungle trekking Exploration River play Walking in the stream Children Parent-child Diving Iriomote Island Komorebi Trip

At Activity Japan, we offer a canoeing tour in addition to jungle trekking. Mangrove Cruise A great value half-day tour that allows you to enjoy the above is popular.
Depending on the plan, you can also use nearby waters Remote Island Tourism Or, during the experience Free photo shoot and data gift Such, Some offer multiple exciting perks and can be reserved. you know.

Why not join with your family or friends and enjoy a unique adventure experience on Iriomote Island?

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] Mountain stream jungle trekking ★PM★

Teboya Suden Shop Churanesia
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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This is a half-day afternoon jungle trekking tour. In the summer, we'll take you to play in the mountain stream! We'll guide you. You'll encounter many creatures along the way. Iriomote Island is a treasure trove of flora and fauna. Mossy roads, jungles sparkling in the rain, deep greenery and clean air. We will decide on the destination based on your requests and the weather on the day.

[World Heritage Site Iriomote Island] Tour the popular Yubu Island: Mangrove canoeing, jungle trekking, visiting hidden power spots, and sightseeing on Yubu Island [Free photo data for tour]

Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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World Heritage Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance Certified Professional Guide Guide. World Heritage Iriomote Island Popular Activities ~ Canoe Mangrove River Cruise & Jungle Trekking to experience nature around hidden power spots! In the morning, take a leisurely canoe cruise through the mangroves. Then, head to the hidden power spots on a jungle walk! Run

[Okinawa, Iriomote Island] Popular Yubu Island sightseeing and jungle exploration! Aim for the waterfall basin by canoeing and trekking! (Lunch and snacks included)

Iriomote Island Komorebi Trip
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Explore the mangrove forests of Iriomote Island in a canoe and the subtropical jungle. In the afternoon, visit Yubu Island. We will guide you through a course that allows even those who are not confident in their physical strength to explore the jungle without any strain, so children as young as 3 years old can participate! For lunch, enjoy delicious Yaeyama soba noodles in the middle of nature! Homemade snacks made with fruits from Iriomote Island are included. Families

[World Heritage Iriomote Island Half-Day] World Heritage Tour! Mangrove Canoeing + Jungle Trekking to Hidden Power Spots [Free Tour Photo Data]

Iriomote Island KEN GUIDE
Iriomote Island and other Yaeyama Islands (Yubu Island, Barasu Island)

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Discount campaign underway!

World Heritage Taketomi Town Tourist Guide Ordinance Certified Professional Guide Guidance. World Heritage Iriomote Island Activities A relaxing and soothing mangrove cruise experience in a popular canoe! A leisurely 30-minute round trip trek through the knee-deep stream and riverside road surrounded by greenery, heading for the hidden source upstream of the river. Absorb negative ions at a hidden waterfall in the subtropics.

Enjoy trekking on Iriomote Island!

Iriomote Island trekking Recommended half-day tour ranking Jungle trekking Exploration River trekking Couples Mangrove

This time Okinawa Iriomote Island Featured, Trekking x Recommended Half-Day Tour of Ranking format Featured in Did.

Iriomote Island is home to some of the largest virgin forests in Japan for, A place you'd want to visit as a family or friend group, Full of attractive nature spots is!

Use this special feature as a reference and enjoy your trekking experience on Iriomote Island!

*The content of this article is current as of May 2024.

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