Ishigaki IslandSea fishing / fishing boatTour Popularity Ranking!ベストシーズンや釣れる魚の種類は?

On this page, Okinawa remote islands Ishigaki Islandのガイド付きSea fishing / fishing boat体験tour A big feature!
予約人気ランキングをはじめ、ベストシーズンや釣れる魚の種類Such Ishigaki IslandでSea fishingを楽しむための基礎知識 を徹底紹介します..
In addition, レンタルできる道具・gimmickや初心者や子供におすすめなプランSuch Ishigaki IslandのSea fishingにまつわる情報をまとめてチェックしていきましょう..
table of contents
- 1 Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boatTour Popularity Ranking
- 2 Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boattour初心者向けおすすめプラン
- 3 Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boattourの種類
- 4 Ishigaki IslandのSea fishingで釣れる魚種
- 5 Ishigaki IslandでSea fishingを楽しむベストシーズン
- 6 Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boat体験tourでWhat can be rented
- 7 Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boatList of shops offering experience tours
- 8 Ishigaki Island Sea Fishing Frequently Asked Questions
- 9 Editorial department recommended feature articles
Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boatTour Popularity Ranking
まずはじめに、アクティビティジャパン最新予約データに基づく" Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boat Tour Popularity Ranking I will introduce.
Fishing equipment rental included, so you can participate empty-handed おすすめガイド付きSea fishing / fishing boat体験tourが上RankにランクインしI'm here.
Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials プラン選びの比較検討にお役立てください..
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・3時間】初心者も船長が完全サポート!色んな魚が釣れる半日船釣りコース【レンタル無料・手ぶらでOK・居酒屋手配】
- 4.7
- (59 reviews and experiences)
◆◇ 【 プラン詳細 】 ◇◆初心者も船長が完全サポート!高級魚アカジンミーバイやIshigaki Islandに住む豊富な種類の魚を狙う半日船釣りコースIshigaki Island近海の穏やかなポイントで、船釣り体験が楽しめるコースis.船長が初心者の方でも安心して楽しめるように完全サポートしますので、釣りが初めての方でも心配ありません..釣り
【期間限定オープン価格!!】Ishigaki Island"半日五目釣り体験」初心者・ファミリー・カップル大歓迎!
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
初心者・ファミリー・カップルに大人気!手ぶらでOK!五目釣り体験..イカの切り身をbaitにミーバイやフエダイSuchいろいろなOkinawaの魚が釣れます..baitをハリに付けて底に落とすだけで釣れる簡単でシンプルな釣り方..〜体験の流れ〜8:30(12:30) 現地集合現地に無料の駐車スペースあり8:50(12:50)
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・完全貸切】秘境ポイントで釣り体験!ご家族、初心者の方にオススメ!(完全サポート、手ぶらOK、写真無料プレゼント)
- 5.0
- (49 reviews and experiences)
船釣りは経験者の方が多く敷居が高い場合がほとんどで、船酔いで楽しめなかったという方が数多くいらっしゃいます..DSF Ishigaki Islandでは陸での釣りの為船酔いの心配無用!お子様からご年配の方、釣りが初めての方から経験者の方、どなたでも気軽に楽しめる!!少人数制での開催プランとなりますので、安心してご参加いただけま
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・3時間】初心者大歓迎!高級魚狙いの半日船釣りtour!【レンタル無料・完全サポート・手ぶらでOK】
- 4.7
- (39 reviews and experiences)
本格体験釣りtour半日コース所要時間約3時間午前コース9:00出港 午後コース13:00出港一度はやってみたい釣り体験!当店のtourは高級魚狙いの本格体験釣りです!竿やgimmick・bait等はすべて準備されていますので手ぶらでご参加いただけます..体験釣りコースでも高級魚が釣れる底物釣りはワクワク気分でおもし
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・船完全貸切り】初心者OK!迷ったらこれ✨半日釣りtour!貸切りだから気を遣う事なく気軽に家族や仲間と楽しめる!
- 5.0
- (4 reviews / experiences)
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・7.5時間】狙うは高級魚!!初心者も船長が完全サポート!1日船釣りコース【レンタル無料・手ぶらでOK・居酒屋手配】
- 4.5
- (4 reviews / experiences)
◆◇ 【 プラン詳細 】 ◇◆初心者も船長が完全サポート!高級魚アカジンミーバイやIshigaki Islandに住む豊富な種類の魚を狙う1日船釣りコースIshigaki Island近海の穏やかなポイントで、1日たっぷり船釣り体験が楽しめるコースis.船長が初心者の方でも安心して楽しめるように完全サポートしますので、釣りが初めての方でも心配あり
【Ishigaki Island発・海んちゅ体験】憧れの『獲ったどぉ〜!』完全貸し切り船でIshigaki Islandで唯一!魚突き体験が出来るSnorkelingtour
【期間限定開催!】意外と難しい!!??テレビで見たあの"獲ったどぉ~!」簡単に見えて難易度高めなんです!せっかくIshigaki Islandに行くならMiyagi Marineの遊漁船でモリ突き(ヤス)体験してみませんか?貸切だから待ち時間noneでサクッと楽しめる!安心・安全・お手頃tourです!海んちゅインストラクターがしっかりレクチャ
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
Half-day charter course! [Special plan for 4 people or more] ★Required time: about 4 hours. ★Departs twice a day at 8:00 am and 13:00 pm. ★Leisurely fishing experience at a point where the waves of the sea near Ishigaki Island are calm. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes to the point, so those who are worried about seasickness can rest assured. ★ Fishing is free! You can catch gurukun and colorful fish, big game fishing and
- 4.8
- (6 reviews / experiences)
[Half-day flight Swim fishing Aim for high-class fish big-game fishing tour] ★ Time required: Approximately 4 hours. ★ We will leave the port at 8:00 am. ★ Swimming boy fishing is a fishing method in which small fish that serve as bait are made to swim and aim at big fish. It is a fishing method that even beginners can easily catch big fish. ★ You can catch Okinawa's three major high-class fish, Akajin, and grouper friends of about 50 cm! ★ Experienced staff carefully ad
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
Experience fishing that even children and beginners can enjoy. Gomoku fishing or Gurukun fishing will be performed depending on the sea conditions. Even in experience fishing, you may catch an unexpected big fish...? ? Let's go fishing for dinner together! ! Since it is a plan to depart in the evening, those who arrive during the day can also participate. ≪The fish we catch are cooked at our sister restaurant, Izakaya Umihachi☆≫After returning to port,
Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boattour初心者向けおすすめプラン
" Ishigaki Island The first activity of Sea fishing I want to enjoy it! " I'm sure there are many beginners who think this way.
南国ならではのトロピカルフィッシングを楽しめるIshigaki Islandは、 The perfect place to experience sea fishing for the first time ..
From here on, the editorial department will carefully select Recommended for beginners and families with children Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boat tour をご紹介していきます..
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・完全貸切】秘境ポイントで釣り体験!ご家族、初心者の方にオススメ!(完全サポート、手ぶらOK、写真無料プレゼント)
- 5.0
- (49 reviews and experiences)
船釣りは経験者の方が多く敷居が高い場合がほとんどで、船酔いで楽しめなかったという方が数多くいらっしゃいます..DSF Ishigaki Islandでは陸での釣りの為船酔いの心配無用!お子様からご年配の方、釣りが初めての方から経験者の方、どなたでも気軽に楽しめる!!少人数制での開催プランとなりますので、安心してご参加いただけま
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・3時間】初心者も船長が完全サポート!色んな魚が釣れる半日船釣りコース【レンタル無料・手ぶらでOK・居酒屋手配】
- 4.7
- (59 reviews and experiences)
◆◇ 【 プラン詳細 】 ◇◆初心者も船長が完全サポート!高級魚アカジンミーバイやIshigaki Islandに住む豊富な種類の魚を狙う半日船釣りコースIshigaki Island近海の穏やかなポイントで、船釣り体験が楽しめるコースis.船長が初心者の方でも安心して楽しめるように完全サポートしますので、釣りが初めての方でも心配ありません..釣り
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・3時間】初心者大歓迎!高級魚狙いの半日船釣りtour!【レンタル無料・完全サポート・手ぶらでOK】
- 4.7
- (39 reviews and experiences)
本格体験釣りtour半日コース所要時間約3時間午前コース9:00出港 午後コース13:00出港一度はやってみたい釣り体験!当店のtourは高級魚狙いの本格体験釣りです!竿やgimmick・bait等はすべて準備されていますので手ぶらでご参加いただけます..体験釣りコースでも高級魚が釣れる底物釣りはワクワク気分でおもし
- 4.8
- (5 reviews / experiences)
[Family course left to the captain] ★ Time required: Approximately 4 hours. ★ We will depart twice a day at 8:00 am and 13:00 pm. ★ A leisurely fishing experience at the calm points of the waves near Ishigaki Island. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes to reach the point, so those who are worried about seasickness can rest assured. ★ With a simple fishing method called Sabiki fishing, Okinawa's prefectural fish guru is used in shallow water at a depth of around 30m.
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・船完全貸切り】初心者OK!迷ったらこれ✨半日釣りtour!貸切りだから気を遣う事なく気軽に家族や仲間と楽しめる!
- 5.0
- (4 reviews / experiences)
Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boattourの種類

Ishigaki Island To be held at Sea fishing / fishing boat There are two main types of tours: ..
- Offshore fishing/Boat fishing
- Shore fishing
" Offshore fishing/Boat fishing 」とは、釣り船(ボート)に乗って大海原へ出て本格的なSea fishingを楽しめるtouris.
again," Shore fishing 」は、ビーチや海岸Suchの陸地からSea fishingを楽しめるため気軽に参加できることが魅力is.
Recommended plans for fishing boats (boat fishing)
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・3時間】初心者も船長が完全サポート!色んな魚が釣れる半日船釣りコース【レンタル無料・手ぶらでOK・居酒屋手配】
- 4.7
- (59 reviews and experiences)
◆◇ 【 プラン詳細 】 ◇◆初心者も船長が完全サポート!高級魚アカジンミーバイやIshigaki Islandに住む豊富な種類の魚を狙う半日船釣りコースIshigaki Island近海の穏やかなポイントで、船釣り体験が楽しめるコースis.船長が初心者の方でも安心して楽しめるように完全サポートしますので、釣りが初めての方でも心配ありません..釣り
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・3時間】初心者大歓迎!高級魚狙いの半日船釣りtour!【レンタル無料・完全サポート・手ぶらでOK】
- 4.7
- (39 reviews and experiences)
本格体験釣りtour半日コース所要時間約3時間午前コース9:00出港 午後コース13:00出港一度はやってみたい釣り体験!当店のtourは高級魚狙いの本格体験釣りです!竿やgimmick・bait等はすべて準備されていますので手ぶらでご参加いただけます..体験釣りコースでも高級魚が釣れる底物釣りはワクワク気分でおもし
- 4.8
- (6 reviews / experiences)
[Half-day flight Swim fishing Aim for high-class fish big-game fishing tour] ★ Time required: Approximately 4 hours. ★ We will leave the port at 8:00 am. ★ Swimming boy fishing is a fishing method in which small fish that serve as bait are made to swim and aim at big fish. It is a fishing method that even beginners can easily catch big fish. ★ You can catch Okinawa's three major high-class fish, Akajin, and grouper friends of about 50 cm! ★ Experienced staff carefully ad
Recommended plans for shore fishing
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・完全貸切】秘境ポイントで釣り体験!ご家族、初心者の方にオススメ!(完全サポート、手ぶらOK、写真無料プレゼント)
- 5.0
- (49 reviews and experiences)
船釣りは経験者の方が多く敷居が高い場合がほとんどで、船酔いで楽しめなかったという方が数多くいらっしゃいます..DSF Ishigaki Islandでは陸での釣りの為船酔いの心配無用!お子様からご年配の方、釣りが初めての方から経験者の方、どなたでも気軽に楽しめる!!少人数制での開催プランとなりますので、安心してご参加いただけま
【Ishigaki Island】早朝/夕方・ロマンを追い求める・ショアGTフィッシングtour(手ぶらOK、写真データ無料プレゼント)
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
No need to worry about seasickness! The best shore GT fishing tour for anglers who pursue romance! ! 《FISHERMAN》 adopted for rental rods! Why not aim for GT from the shore? Fishing is done using lures on the beach and rocky land. Since it will be an event plan with a small number of people, both beginners and experienced people can participate with peace of mind.
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・夕方】完全貸切・秘境ポイントで最高の夕焼けを眺める釣り体験(完全サポート、手ぶらOK、写真無料プレンゼント)
- 4.9
- (6 reviews / experiences)
No need to worry about seasickness! Light fishing that even those who are new to fishing can easily enjoy! ! Since it will be an event plan with a small number of people, both beginners and experienced people can participate with confidence! It is recommended for those who want to finish the day by watching the sunset and enjoying fishing time without leaving anything! Sunset at the beautiful sea of Ishigaki Island
In the case of fishing boats (boat fishing), "乗合船」か"貸切船」かを選ぶことも可能 is.
大所帯のファミリーやお友達グループSuchで利用の場合は "貸切船」の方がコストパフォーマンスが良いケースも I have.
Recommended charter boat plans
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
Half-day charter course! [Special plan for 4 people or more] ★Required time: about 4 hours. ★Departs twice a day at 8:00 am and 13:00 pm. ★Leisurely fishing experience at a point where the waves of the sea near Ishigaki Island are calm. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes to the point, so those who are worried about seasickness can rest assured. ★ Fishing is free! You can catch gurukun and colorful fish, big game fishing and
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
[One-day charter course] Why don't you charter a boat and enjoy your private fishing time? Since it is a charter charter, it is up to you what kind of fishing you do. (* Basic charge for up to 4 people. +1 10,000 yen for each person.) [Note: Lunch is not included. Please prepare your lunch. ] In addition to experience fishing and swim fishing, five-eyed fishing, Ji
◆◇ 【 プラン詳細 】 ◇◆タイラバ、泳がせ釣り、ジギングSuch様々な釣りが楽しめるチャータープランIshigaki Islandの豊かな海で、釣り好きの皆様に向けたチャータープランをご用意しました..多様な釣りスタイルに対応しており、仲間と一緒に楽しい釣り体験をお楽しみいただけます..釣り道具のレンタルはすべて無料で、費用が
さらに、Ishigaki Islandでは A tour combining marine activities and sea fishing も人気を集めI'm here.
サップ(SUP)やCanoe / kayakSuch をボート代わりにSea fishingを楽しむことが可能is.
Kayak fishing・SUPフィッシングのおすすめプラン
[Okinawa Ishigaki Island] Kayak fishing surrounded by the nature of Ishigaki Island with mangroves
- 4.9
- (7 reviews / experiences)
Lure fishing in the mangroves of Ishigaki Island ♪ There is also a rental tackle, so you can make a reservation the day before! ! Even beginners can catch fish. ! Excellent stability with a large canoe! ! The life jacket is easy to move around in and has good buoyancy, so you can rest assured! !
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・半日】完全貸切◆人気急上昇中◆SUPフィッシングtour(完全サポート、手ぶらOK、写真データ無料プレゼント)
- 5.0
- (14 reviews / experiences)
Ishigaki Islandの綺麗な海でSUPフィッシングを体験しませんか?SUPや釣りが初めてのお客様でもお楽しみいただける様に、貸切プランとなっております..綺麗な海に出る前に、丁寧にレクチャーしますのでご安心ください!【tour中の流れ】・ビーチからのんびりSUP、写真撮影をしながらポイントまで移動♪→おすすめポイント
[Okinawa Ishigaki Island] Feel free to enjoy ♪ Kayak fishing tour
Kayak fishing tour with a guide. We are the only shop that handles it on Ishigaki Island! Use a pedal kayak.
Ishigaki IslandのSea fishingで釣れる魚種

" Ishigaki Island What kind of fish can you catch in the waters near here? 」と疑問をお持ちの方も多いはず..
Ishigaki Islandでは、Okinawa県の県魚でもあるグルクン(タカサゴ)やミーバイ(ハタ類)Such A variety of fish species unique to the tropics が釣れます..
In the following, Ishigaki Islandの近海でよく釣れる魚種の一例 are summarized.
Gurukun (Takasago) / Ojisan Irabucha (Nanyoubudai) / Taman (Hamafueki) / Meebai (Groupers) / Gala (Giant Trevally) / Manbika (Shiira) / Skipjack (Katsuo) / Achinuiyu (Black Marlin) / etc.
In Ishigaki Island, these fish are targeted Sea fishing / fishing boat 体験tourが開催され観光客に人気を集めI'm here.
"とにかくIshigaki Islandで釣りがしたい!」とお考えの方は、その時期に釣りやすい魚種を狙う Participating in a “Gomoku fishing” experience tour is also recommended is.
Recommended plan for Gomoku fishing
【期間限定オープン価格!!】Ishigaki Island"半日五目釣り体験」初心者・ファミリー・カップル大歓迎!
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
初心者・ファミリー・カップルに大人気!手ぶらでOK!五目釣り体験..イカの切り身をbaitにミーバイやフエダイSuchいろいろなOkinawaの魚が釣れます..baitをハリに付けて底に落とすだけで釣れる簡単でシンプルな釣り方..〜体験の流れ〜8:30(12:30) 現地集合現地に無料の駐車スペースあり8:50(12:50)
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
Experience fishing that even children and beginners can enjoy. Gomoku fishing or Gurukun fishing will be performed depending on the sea conditions. Even in experience fishing, you may catch an unexpected big fish...? ? Let's go fishing for dinner together! ! Since it is a plan to depart in the evening, those who arrive during the day can also participate. ≪The fish we catch are cooked at our sister restaurant, Izakaya Umihachi☆≫After returning to port,
SALE!【Ishigaki Island・半日】簡単五目釣りでご家族、初めての方でも安心!お手軽船釣り体験(手ぶらOK、完全サポート、写真無料プレゼント)
- 4.9
- (9 reviews / experiences)
所要時間:3~3.5時間集合時間:午前8時頃 ・午後12時半頃港を出て15分〜20分の波が穏やかなポイントで五目釣りを行います..・船釣りに挑戦してみたい!・初めてだけど大丈夫かな?と不安な方におすすめ!bait付け、釣り方、魚の処理は全て経験豊富なガイドがサポート!初めての方でも高級魚や沢山の魚が釣れて
Ishigaki IslandでSea fishingを楽しむベストシーズン

" Ishigaki Island When is the best time to go sea fishing? 」Suchシーズンに関する情報をリサーチされている方も多いのではないでしょうか?
大前提として、Ishigaki Islandでは春夏秋冬の季節を問わず You can enjoy sea fishing all year round is.
The most in a year Demand is highest in July, August, and September, including summer vacation and Silver Week. ..
On the other hand, including Golden Week The most popular seasons for repeat visitors are April, May, and October onwards after the peak season. There is also.
again, It is also recommended to choose the season according to the type of fish you want to catch. is.
Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boat体験tourでWhat can be rented
Ishigaki Island To be held at Sea fishing / fishing boat The price of the experience tour includes all fishing equipment (tackle) Generally, the rental fee for the equipment required for the experience is included. is.
Below are the sea fishing and fishing boat experience tours A list of items that can be rented I'm here.
What can be rented
- fishing rod
- reel
- fishing line
- fish hook
- gimmick
- lure (artificial bait)
- bait
- Life jacket
- Such
All the specialized equipment required for sea fishing as mentioned above is available for rental. Participate in the tour basically empty-handed can.
Tour participants are based on clothes that can get wet and dirty Prepare belongings suitable for playing in the water such as sea bathing will do.
When participating in sea fishing and fishing boat experience tours An example of what you need to bring is below.
Recommended items to bring
- sunglasses
- hat
- Sunscreen
- swimsuit
- rash guard
- sandals
- towel
- drink
- motion sickness medicine
- Rain gear/kappa
- Such
On Ishigaki Island, the sun is strong even on days when the temperature is low, so sunglasses and hats are recommended. Sun protection is a must becomes.
For details, please check the plan contents of the experience tour you actually reserve.
Recommended Feature Articles
Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boatList of shops offering experience tours
最後に、現在アクティビティジャパンでオンライン事前予約を受け付けている" Ishigaki IslandのSea fishing / fishing boat List of shops offering experience tours I will introduce.
所在地(住所)やbusiness hours・Regular holidayをはじめ、取り扱いアクティビティ体験tourプランリストやショップへの口コミ・評判は下記のリンクよりご確認いただけます..
- 4.6
- (86 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- Cruising / shipboard party
- Okinawa culture experience, Okinawan cuisine, Sanshin
Let's enjoy fishing in the beautiful sea of Ishigaki Island! Beginners and children are welcome! First time on Ishigaki Island? This is a fish song for beginners. Since it is a fishing boat for beginners only If you are new to fishing, it's okay! You don't have to touch the food or fish. All the staff will support you. All you have to do is catch a fish! The sea near Ishigaki Island. We will choose a point where the waves do not rise so much and depart. If you are worried about seasickness, don't worry. The fish you catch can be eaten at the affiliated izakaya at night. * Please contact us in advance if you wish to make a reservation. Let's catch, eat and enjoy colorful fish in the clear blue sea of Ishigaki Island ♪
- 4.7
- (39 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Snorkeling
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- 5.0
- (80 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
- Trekking (climbing / hiking)
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
①Complete charter plan except for some tours ② Tool free rental ③ Free gift of photos during the activity on LINE ④We offer a wide range of plans from shore fishing to boat fishing. We would like you to enjoy it without worrying about the surrounding customers, so we have a complete charter plan except for some tours! The staff who worked for a major marine company for 3 years will carefully lecture so that even beginners can enjoy SUP and fishing. You can experience SUP fishing, which has been a hot topic in recent years, in the beautiful sea of Ishigaki Island! Forget everyday life and enjoy SUP and fishing!
- 4.8
- (12 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- 4.8
- (4 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Snorkeling
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- Restaurants / restaurants
Experience-based tour that can be enjoyed by children and adults ☆ Beginners & families are welcome! !! Please contact us for groups and groups. There are many skilled staff, and we are trying to provide detailed support and service. If you enjoy fishing and snorkeling, Ishigakijima Marine Time ☆
- 3.8
- (11 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Snorkeling
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
At Panari Island Expert Uechi Sightseeing, We will guide you with various menus such as snorkeling, experience diving, experience, BIG fishing, island tour cruising and so on. Fascinated by the beauty of Shinjojima and Shimojishima (Panari Island), we started a day trip to Panari Island to guide you through the beautiful sea and islands. Since then, it has been very popular, and I will continue to convey my excitement so that you can feel "I'm glad I played on Panari Island," "healed," and "I want to come again." Of course, sea fishing in general is still popular with a variety of menus, from big-game fishing to family fishing.
- 3.5
- (4 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- rental cycle
- Touring remote islands
We offer fishing tours for beginners. We are holding a bait fishing tour that can be enjoyed by children, women and beginners at a point in the sea about 30 minutes from the port. With equipment rental and bait included, you can easily enjoy fishing without bringing anything. It's okay if you don't touch the fish. Our staff will feed, dehook, and process the fish.
- 4.9
- (4 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
- Wake Board
- Snorkeling
Welcome to Ishigaki Island's marine service "Fuji"! At Fuzzy, we offer various variations of tours such as Panari Island (Shinjojima) tour, Mikai tour, half-day tour, etc. to enjoy the sea of Yaeyama, including marine sports such as snorkeling (snorkeling), experience diving, fishing. We are here. And we will guide you to the veteran staff from Ishigaki Island who has many years of experience! We will direct everyone you meet through the tour to have a wonderful and enjoyable day full of smiles.
- 4.4
- (20 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Taketomi Island, Kohama Island, Kuroshima Island, Aragusuku Island, Hateruma Island
- SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
- Yacht
- Snorkeling
Activity results of "more than 30 years" in the sea of Yaeyama! If you want to play in the sea, leave it to Sea Tech Nico! Sea Technico is a company specializing in marine activities based in Ishigaki Island and Kohama Island in Okinawa Prefecture. It is a long-established store with over 30 years of experience in the sea. I have been involved in the seas of Ishigaki Island and Kohama Island for many years, so of course I know everything about the sea, and I have a wealth of information and knowledge about the islands.
- 5.0
- (1 review)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Canoe / kayak
- Kayak fishing
"Ishigakijima iyupanari" holds sea kayak tours on Ishigaki Island. You can relax with a small number of people, and you can enjoy it from 1 person.
- 5.0
- (2 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Snorkeling
- Canoe / kayak
- Trekking (climbing / hiking)
Ishigaki IslandNo.1豪華クルーザーSuch自社ボート多数保有! トムソーヤは酔いづらい50人乗りの大型船を保有しており、できるだけ多くのお客様が快適にtourを楽しんでいただけるよう最高の設備を揃えております.. 初心者の方や小さなお子様やご高齢の方も安心してご参加いただけます.. トムソーヤは安心・安全なtourのためスタッフ教育にも力を入れI'm here. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff are also very unique, so feel free to talk to us!
- 5.0
- (5 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- Snorkeling
- Sea fishing / fishing boat
- Fishing experience
- 4.8
- (132 reviews)
- Okinawa
- Okinawa (remote island)
- Ishigaki Island
- SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
- Canoe / kayak
- Trekking (climbing / hiking)
Ishigaki Islandでカヤック、SUP、トレッキングのtourを催行しているSHOPis.初心者もお子様も楽しめるプログラムを催行しております..ぜひIshigaki Islandに来た際は遊びに来てください!!
Ishigaki Island Sea Fishing Frequently Asked Questions
Q What kind of place is Ishigaki Island?
A "Ishigaki Island" belongs to the "Yaeyama Islands" about 400km southwest of the main island of Okinawa. The biggest attraction is that there is still a lot of untouched nature, such as the beautiful sea, mangrove virgin forest, and rare flora and fauna. With a warm subtropical climate even in winter, you can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities throughout the year. It is one of the best tropical resorts in Japan, which is also popular from overseas.
Q What is the attraction of Ishigaki Island sea fishing?
A In the sea near Ishigaki Island, you can aim for beautiful tropical fish such as "Gurukun" which is also a prefectural fish of Okinawa. Fishing on Ishigaki Island is truly tropical fishing! .. You can catch colorful fish while enjoying cruising in the sea shining in emerald green, and you can experience sea fishing unique to Okinawa that you can not easily experience in other areas.
Q What is your recommended experience plan?
A For a full-scale sea fishing experience, we recommend the "shared sea fishing / fishing boat experience tour". The experience fee often includes the rental fee for tools such as fishing rods and gimmicks and the bait fee, so you can feel free to participate. A greedy plan that includes popular activities on Ishigaki Island such as sea fishing + landing on an uninhabited island + snorkeling and SUP is also popular.
Q What should I do with the fish I caught?
A Eating freshly caught fish is also the real pleasure of participating in the "sea fishing / fishing boat" experience tour. There are also restaurants and taverns that cook the fish you catch. Please check the cooking fee and carry-on fee in advance. In some cases, the operator of the experience plan will introduce you to a partner restaurant. After enjoying fishing, let's enjoy fresh fish!