Snowmobile in Japan

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It is a one or two-seater small snowmobile. In addition to in many areas with snow cover is used on a daily basis as a means of transportation, for monitoring activities and search and rescue in the snow-covered mountains, it has been widespread for winter outdoor leisure. Primitive usage dates back to 1910, the commercial was started was 1937. On the assumption traveling in the snow, skiing is the front wheel part, that the rear wheel part is in the caterpillar's features. The suspension is equipped in the front and rear, we have extended off-road. Since the simple structure of only the accelerator bar and brake, you Norikonase immediately if there is a bicycle or motorcycle experience. Driver's license is not required, but the license plate is not issued, it will not be able to run on public roads. Because just as expensive as the motor bike, experience hire in leisure spot is realistic than the purchase of an individual.

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