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Information on 巻き寿司教室ぐるり

Number of staff 10persons
Number of instructors 7persons
Selling points regarding safety In running the cooking class business, we have set "three promises". The first is "safety and security," the second is "hospitality," and the third is "entertainment." In particular, we have formulated an "operation manual" that includes food hygiene management and hold regular staff meetings centered on registered dietitians so as not to neglect "safety and security". Since kitchen knives will be used during cooking training, the staff will call out to alert you. Please cooperate in conducting safe and secure lessons.

巻き寿司教室ぐるり - operating hours

301 Motomachi, Amphini, 2-90 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
Operating hours 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Monday / New Year holidays

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