THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) のギャラリー
THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) のギャラリー
THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) のギャラリー
THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) のギャラリー
THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) のギャラリー


Currently THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) has no bookable plans

Information on THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ)

Insurance information Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance
Member organizations and associations Kugenuma Surfing School Association
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety Basically, I would like you to learn the joy of surfing first from the technical side with guidance from a beginner's perspective, and to convey the spirits and style that surfing brings gently with a small number of people.

THE RIPPLE COLORS No.5(リプルカラーズ) - operating hours

3-20-20 Katasekaigan, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Operating hours <Spring / Autumn> 9: 00-18: 00 <Summer> 6: 00-19: 00 <Winter> 10: 00-17: 00
Regular holidays Wednesday, new year

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