
Information on 島ライダーレンタルバイク

Insurance information Sompo Japan, automobile insurance, unlimited interpersonal, unlimited property (disclaimer 50,000 yen)
Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety - PSC/SG standard helmets are available.・By installing a side stand, it is possible to park with the same movement (simple movement) as a bicycle.・Since a smartphone holder is installed, you can safely navigate while moving ・Insurance with unlimited personal and unlimited property (disclaimer of 50,000 yen) is included in the price.・In cooperation with local motorcycle maintenance shops, we have established an environment where we can respond immediately in case of emergency.

島ライダーレンタルバイク - operating hours

5553‐73 Tomihama, Mukojima-cho, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Operating hours 9: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No particulars

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