Art Salon Style のギャラリー
Art Salon Style のギャラリー

Art Salon Style

Currently Art Salon Style has no bookable plans

Information on Art Salon Style

Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety Virus suppression/removal air conditioners and clear partitions are installed, and doorknobs and tools used in lessons are disinfected with alcohol every time, and we are working on infection prevention measures. When entering the room, please use the alcohol disinfectant installed at the entrance and wear a mask while in the room.

Art Salon Style - operating hours

5886-1 Otsu, Aino-cho, Unzen City, Nagasaki Prefecture
Operating hours 10: 00-20: 00
Regular holidays Every Monday (If Monday is a holiday, the following day will be closed)

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