
Currently 石垣島てぃだダイビングサービス has no bookable plans

Information on 石垣島てぃだダイビングサービス

Authorization issued by Okinawa Prefectural Public Safety Commission
Insurance information PADI / Instructor Comprehensive Insurance
License and Qualifications PADI diving instructor
Member organizations and associations PADI member store, Yaeyama Diving Association
Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety We carry out thorough safety management with a small number of people. The diving points are basically request-based, but we try to make a reasonable dive by proposing the best diving points according to the sea conditions of the day and the level of the customer. For beginners and those who are worried, we will tell you the tips to make it easier to dive with as little stress as possible by making use of the experience of more than 30 years of diving guide history. The boat is equipped with an emergency oxygen kit. We use fishing boat type boats that are strong against waves so that we can cope with sudden deterioration of sea conditions.

石垣島てぃだダイビングサービス - operating hours

2-11-5 Yashima-cho, Ishigaki-shi, Okinawa
Operating hours 8: 00-20: 00
Regular holidays Irregular holidays (November-February have regular holidays due to maintenance of diving boats, etc., inquiries required)

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