SADO三四郎ガイド のギャラリー
SADO三四郎ガイド のギャラリー
SADO三四郎ガイド のギャラリー
SADO三四郎ガイド のギャラリー
SADO三四郎ガイド のギャラリー


Currently SADO三四郎ガイド has no bookable plans

Information on SADO三四郎ガイド

Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Depending on the location, there is a risk of falling, so you may use a fall prevention rope, but go to a place where there is almost no danger. A guide who is also an emergency law instructor of the Japanese Red Cross Society will guide you with safety first.

SADO三四郎ガイド - operating hours

Miyakawa, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture
Operating hours Saturday and Sunday daytime (within daylight hours)
Regular holidays Although it is basically a weekday, it may be closed due to circumstances. (Confirmation required)

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