民宿 夏木小屋 のギャラリー
民宿 夏木小屋 のギャラリー
民宿 夏木小屋 のギャラリー

民宿 夏木小屋

Currently 民宿 夏木小屋 has no bookable plans

Information on 民宿 夏木小屋

Insurance information Join Green Tourism Disability Insurance
Number of staff 1persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Always wear a helmet, life jacket, and shoes, and be sure to check before the experience. In addition, when gathering, give detailed explanations and warm-up exercises appropriately. Regularly attend safety seminars. For participants, it is also posted on the homepage in advance.

民宿 夏木小屋 - operating hours

540 Naokawa Akagi, Saiki City, Oita Prefecture
Operating hours 16:00 - 10:00 the next day
Regular holidays Fridays, New Year holidays

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