
Currently 福島レイクアクティビティー has no bookable plans

Information on 福島レイクアクティビティー

Insurance information Insurance company: New India insurance company Insurance type: Domestic travel accident insurance Coverage: Death, disability, hospitalization, outpatient
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 1persons
Selling points regarding safety Fukushima Lake Activity Lifesaving Policy 1. Head to rescue in the shortest distance and time. 2. 2. Do not divert your perspective on the rescuer. (Depending on the condition on the lake, you may lose sight of the rescuer in an instant if you take your eyes off even a little.) Quickly think and select the best rescue route. (Give consideration to the wind and conditions on the lake)

福島レイクアクティビティー - operating hours

25-4 Yaji Minami, Koori Town, Date District, Fukushima Prefecture
Operating hours 09: 00-17: 00

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