沖縄ダイビングショップ amusementworld

Currently 沖縄ダイビングショップ amusementworld has no bookable plans

Information on 沖縄ダイビングショップ amusementworld

Authorization issued by Okinawa Prefecture Ishikawa Police Department
Insurance information PADI Instructor Comprehensive Insurance
License and Qualifications PADI IDC Staff Instructor
Number of staff 3persons
Number of instructors 3persons
Selling points regarding safety On the day of participation, we will guide you to the sea with the best marine conditions and have taken out comprehensive insurance.

沖縄ダイビングショップ amusementworld - operating hours

1916-11-406 Ishikawa, Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-18: 00
Regular holidays No particulars

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