xadventures のギャラリー
xadventures のギャラリー
xadventures のギャラリー
xadventures のギャラリー


Currently xadventures has no bookable plans

Information on xadventures

Number of staff 2persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety We give top priority to safety and hygiene, and give our customers peace of mind and enjoyment. In order to enjoy it safely, we hone our skills every day and actively participate in external training and training by inviting external instructors to train daily. In addition, we conduct questionnaires from customers every time and receive feedback on whether or not there were any concerns about safety, and we are working to improve it.

xadventures - operating hours

1191-18 Asakayama-cho, Kameyama-shi, Mie
Operating hours 09: 00-17: 00

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