Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー
Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー
Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー
Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー
Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー
Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー
Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! のギャラリー

Hiroshima cycling sokoiko!

Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! video list


Peace Route at The Rest House 
【じゃらん】 https://www.jalan.net/kankou/spt_guide000000191014/
【sokoiko!HP】   https://www/sokoiko-mint.com/
【facebook】  https://ww.facebook.com/Sokoiko-100271816488486/

sokoiko! cycling tour will be the best way to explore the real Hiroshima you have never knew! "sokoiko" means "Let's go there" in Japanese. Let's get going on cycling together to find new Hiroshima with your eyes and feel this city deeply!
【sokoiko!】 https://www/sokoiko-mint.com/
【faceook】 https://ww.facebook.com/Sokoiko-100271816488486/

#sokoiko #hiroshima #広島 #レストハウス #ゴートゥーキャンペーン

Information on Hiroshima cycling sokoiko!

Number of staff 4persons
Selling points regarding safety We carry out tours by thoroughly wearing masks for both guides and guests, measuring the temperature before the tour, and disinfecting the bicycle handlebars.

Hiroshima cycling sokoiko! - operating hours

1-1 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima
Operating hours 10: 00 ~ 14: 00 (Negotiable)
Regular holidays Mon, Wed, Fri, Sunday

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