

かくれ屋 features

"Empty-handed & swimsuit BBQ" Changing rooms and showers available! Access to the beach below the facility in just 10 seconds! Jet skis available! Enjoy breakfast & lunch while taking in the amazing view. Guests staying overnight can also be guided to nearby hot springs. You can also choose a course that includes a great marine sports experience.

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Information on かくれ屋

Number of staff 5persons
Number of instructors 2persons
Selling points regarding safety While we are committed to using seasonal ingredients, we are flexible in responding to customer needs. For marine sports, we have dedicated instructors so you can enjoy them safely.

かくれ屋 - operating hours

3-6-7-401 Shinikejimacho, Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Operating hours 8: 00-21: 30
Regular holidays Monday (negotiable)

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