X Golf Range 糸満西崎店

X Golf Range 糸満西崎店 features

You can enjoy golf, movies, and games on the big screen in the private party room (6 people), which is OK even on rainy days. You can bring your own food and drinks and have fun with your friends and family.

X Golf Range 糸満西崎店 handling plan list

X Golf Range 糸満西崎店 comments・reviews

Information on X Golf Range 糸満西崎店

Insurance information Sompo Japan Liability Insurance 20 million yen
Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety It's a private room, so you can enjoy it safely without disturbing others. We also have liability insurance.

X Golf Range 糸満西崎店 - operating hours

Fukushima Mansion 1F, 1-27-5 Nishizaki, Itoman City, Okinawa Prefecture
Operating hours 9:00-23:00
Regular holidays No particulars

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