Salon do nono

Salon do nono features

I run a Porcelarts salon from my home in Musashikosugi, Kawasaki City. Poseraz is a design that is created by cutting and pasting sticker-like transfer paper onto a pure white vessel. This handmade item can be enjoyed by children of all ages and genders. The finished pieces are fired over a day, so they can be used in the same way as tableware sold commercially.

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Information on Salon do nono

License and Qualifications 2nd year of Nippon Vogue Porcelarts Instructor Certification
Member organizations and associations Nippon Vogue Kiln Art Club
Number of staff 1persons
Selling points regarding safety When you arrive at the store, we will ask you to wash and disinfect your hands immediately. I open the windows regularly to wake up. All tools used are disinfected after each use.

Salon do nono - operating hours

Nakamaruko, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Operating hours 10:30-18:00
Regular holidays No scheduled holidays

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